(130)Airson thabhartasan eadar-nàiseanta tha Urras Leasachaidh Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, mar phàirt de OGE, a' tabhann dòigh clàraichte do thabhartaichean anns na Stàitean Aonaichte (US 501(c)3) gus dèanamh cinnteach gum faigh gach tabhartas an làimhseachadh as goireasaiche a thaobh chìsean.For intenational donations, the Trust, as part of UHI, offers US donors a registered US 501(c)3 conduit to ensure the most beneficial taxation treatment of donations. Airson (for.PREP) thabhartasan (donations.N.M.PL+ASP) eadar-nàiseanta (international.ADJ) tha (be.V.PRES) Urras (trust.N.M.SG) Leasachaidh (development.N.M.SG.GEN) Sabhal (barn.N.M.SG) Mòr (big.ADJ) Ostaig (Ostaig.NAME) mar (as.CONJ) phàirt (part.N.F.SG+ASP) de (of.PREP) OGE (OGE.UNK) a' (-ing.PRT.CONT) tabhann (offer.PRESPART) dòigh (method.N.F.SG) clàraichte (registered.PASTPART) do (to.PREP) thabhartaichean (donors.N.M.PL+ASP) anns (in.PREP) na (the.DEF.PL.ND) Stàitean (state.N.F.PL) Aonaichte (united.PASTPART) US (US.UNK) 501c3 (501c3.UNK) gus (in order to.CONJ) dèanamh (do.VN) cinnteach (certain.ADJ) gum (that.CONJ) faigh (get.V.IMPER) gach (every.QUAL) tabhartas (donation.N.M.SG) an (the.DEF.F.SG.ND[or]the.DEF.M.SG.NGD) làimhseachadh (handle.VN) as (be.V.COP.PRES.REL) goireasaiche (convenient.ADJ.COMP) a thaobh (regarding.PREP) chìsean (taxes.N.F.PL+ASP)