(18)Cha bhitheadh Sabhal Mòr Ostaig air a chiad amasan a choileanadh airson cothroman foghlaim is eaconomach nan Gàidheal a leasachadh agus cothroman ionnsachaidh air a' Ghàidhlig is a cultar a sgaoileadh mura b' e dìlseachd is saothair a chuid luchd-obrach is oileanach, agus taic nan seann oileanach is nan caraidean air feadh an t-saoghail.Sabhal Mòr Ostaig would not have realised its early ambitions to improve the educationaland economic opportunities of Gaelic speakers and to widen access to the Gaelic languageand culture without the dedication and commitment of staff and students, and the support of alumni and friends worldwide. Cha (not.PRT.NEG) bhitheadh (be.V.COND.EMPH+ASP) Sabhal (barn.N.M.SG) Mòr (big.ADJ) Ostaig (Ostaig.NAME) air (on.PREP) a (his.PRON.POSS.M.3S) chiad (first.NUM.CARD+ASP) amasan (aims.N.M.PL) a (to.PRT.INFIN) choileanadh (enhance.V.INFIN+ASP) airson (for.PREP) cothroman (opportunities.N.M.PL) foghlaim (learn.V.IMPER[or]education.N.M.SG.GEN) is (and.CONJ) eaconomach (economical.ADJ) nan (in their.PREP+POSS.3P[or]of the.DEF.PL.GEN) Gàidheal (Highlander.N.M.SG) a (to.PRT.INFIN) leasachadh (develop.V.INFIN) agus (and.CONJ) cothroman (opportunities.N.M.PL) ionnsachaidh (education.N.M.SG.GEN) air (on.PREP) a' (the.DEF.F.SG.ND) Ghàidhlig (Scots Gaelic.N.F.SG+ASP) is (and.CONJ) a (her.PRON.POSS.F.3S) cultar (culture.N.M) a (to.PRT.INFIN) sgaoileadh (disseminate.V.INFIN) mura (unless.CONJ) b' (be.V.COP.PAST) e (he.PRON.M.3S) dìlseachd (loyalty.N.F.SG) is (and.CONJ) saothair (work.N.F.SG) a (his.PRON.POSS.M.3S) chuid (portion.N.F.SG+ASP) luchd-obrach (workers.N.M.PL) is (and.CONJ) oileanach (student.N.M.SG) agus (and.CONJ) taic (support.N.F.SG) nan (in their.PREP+POSS.3P[or]of the.DEF.PL.GEN) seann (old.ADJ) oileanach (student.N.M.SG) is (and.CONJ) nan (of the.DEF.PL.GEN) caraidean (friend.N.M.PL) air feadh (throughout.PREP) an (the.DEF.M.SG.GD) t-saoghail (world.N.M.SG.GEN+T)