(19)Tha an t-Urras a' sireadh dhòighean innleachdach air co-obrachadh le luchd-taice na Gàidhlig is a cultair, agus tha e airson a bhith na mheadhan anns an gabh daoine, companaidhean, comainn, urrasan is ionadan an sàs ann a bhith a' toirt taic dhan cholaiste.The Trust seeks innovative ways to engage with the wide community of support for the Gaelic language and culture, and to be the conduit through which private individuals, companies, corporations, trusts and foundations are able to play a vital part in supporting the college. Tha (be.V.PRES) an (the.DEF.M.SG.NOM) t-Urras (trust.N.M.SG+T) a' (-ing.PRT.CONT) sireadh (seek.PRESPART) dhòighean (methods.N.F.PL+ASP) innleachdach (innovative.ADJ) air (after.PREP) co-obrachadh (collaborate.VN) le (with.PREP) luchd-taice (supporters.N.M.PL) na (of the.DEF.F.SG.GEN) Gàidhlig (Scots Gaelic.N.F.SG) is (and.CONJ) a (her.PRON.POSS.F.3S) cultair (culture.N.M.SG.GEN) agus (and.CONJ) tha (be.V.PRES) e (he.PRON.M.3S) airson (for.PREP) a (to.PRT.INFIN) bhith (be.V.INFIN+ASP) na (in his.PREP+POSS.M.3S) mheadhan (medium.N.M.SG+ASP) anns (in.PREP) an (the.DEF.F.SG.ND[or]the.DEF.M.SG.NGD) gabh (take.V.IMPER) daoine (persons.N.M.PL) companaidhean (company.N.F.PL) comainn (society.N.M.SG.GEN) urrasan (trusts.N.M.PL) is (and.CONJ) ionadan (centres.N.M.PL) an (the.DEF.M.SG.NGD) sàs (placement.N.M.SG) ann (in it.PREP+PRON.M.3S) a (to.PRT.INFIN) bhith (be.V.INFIN+ASP) a' (-ing.PRT.CONT) toirt (give.PRESPART) taic (support.N.F.SG) dhan (to the.PREP+DEF) cholaiste (college.N.F.SG+ASP)