(55)Thàinig a' Ghàidhlig à Èirinn còmhla ris na Gàidheil nuair a thuinich iad ann an Earra-Ghàidheal mu 500 AD agus sgap i a-mach nuair a leudaich rìoghachd nan Gàidheal air feadh na dùthcha.Gaelic came to with the Gaels or Scots from Ireland when they settled in Argyll around 500 AD and spread out when the Kingdom of the Scots extended throughout the country. Thàinig (come.V.PAST[or]come.V.PAST.DEP+ASP) a' (the.DEF.F.SG.ND) Ghàidhlig (Scots Gaelic.N.F.SG+ASP) à (from.PREP) Èirinn (Ireland.NPLACE.F.SG) còmhla (together.ADV) ris (to him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) na (in his.PREP+POSS.M.3S[or]in her.PREP+POSS.F.3S[or]all that.PRT.REL[or]of the.DEF.F.SG.GEN[or]the.DEF.PL.ND) Gàidheil (Highlander.N.M.SG.GEN) nuair (when.CONJ) a (which.PRT.REL) thuinich (settle.V.PAST+ASP) iad (they.PRON.3P) ann an (in a.PREP+INDEF) Earra-Ghàidheal (Argyll.NPLACE) mu (about.PREP) 500 (500.DIGINUM) AD (AD.UNK) agus (and.CONJ) sgap (spread.V.IMPER) i (she.PRON.F.3S) a-mach (out.ADV) nuair (when.CONJ) a (which.PRT.REL) leudaich (expand.V.PAST) rìoghachd (kingdom.N.F.SG) nan (in their.PREP+POSS.3P[or]of the.DEF.PL.GEN) Gàidheal (Highlander.N.M.SG) air feadh (throughout.PREP) na (of the.DEF.F.SG.GEN) dùthcha (native land.N.F.SG.GEN)