(73)Ged a thathar a' dèanamh gàirdeachas ri linn nan leasachaidhean dòchasach sin, chan ann buileach dòchasach a tha cor na Gàidhlig aig ìre na coimhearsnachd, ged-thà.Despite satisfaction with such optimistic developments, the situation facing Gaelic at local level is not entirely positive. Ged (although.CONJ) a (which.PRT.REL) thathar (be.V.0.PRES) a' (-ing.PRT.CONT) dèanamh (do.PRESPART) gàirdeachas (joy.N.M.SG) ri (to.PREP) linn (century.N.F.SG) nan (of the.DEF.PL.GEN) leasachaidhean (developments.N.M.PL) dòchasach (hopeful.ADJ) sin (that.DEM.FAR) chan (not.PRT.NEG) ann (in it.PREP+PRON.M.3S) buileach (entirely.ADV) dòchasach (hopeful.ADJ) a (which.PRT.REL) tha (be.V.PRES) cor (condition.N.M.SG) na (of the.DEF.F.SG.GEN) Gàidhlig (Scots Gaelic.N.F.SG) aig (at.PREP) ìre (degree.N.M.SG) na (of the.DEF.F.SG.GEN) coimhearsnachd (community.N.F.SG) ged-thà (however.CONJ)