(81)Ged nach eil cho fada sin bho thòisich a' Cholaiste, tha i air na h-amasan seo a choileanadh, agus fada a bharrachd air sin, is i a' leantainn oirre gus barrachd chothroman Gàidhlig a thabhann don mhòr-shluagh.In its relatively short history, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig has achieved and surpassed these core aims and continues to widen access to the Gaelic language and culture. Ged (although.CONJ) nach (?not.PRT.INT.NEG) eil (be.V.PRES.DEP.NEG) cho (as.ADV) fada (long.ADJ) sin (that.DEM.FAR) bho (from.PREP) thòisich (start.V.IMPER+ASP) a' (the.DEF.F.SG.ND) Cholaiste (college.N.F.SG+ASP) tha (be.V.PRES) i (she.PRON.F.3S) air (on.PREP) na (the.DEF.PL.ND) h-amasan (aims.N.M.PL+H) seo (this.DEM.NEAR) a (to.PRT.INFIN) choileanadh (enhance.V.INFIN+ASP) agus (and.CONJ) fada (long.ADJ) a bharrachd (in addition.PREP) air (on him.PREP+PRON.M.3S[or]on.PREP) sin (that.DEM.FAR) is (be.V.COP.PRES[or]and.CONJ) i (she.PRON.F.3S) a' (-ing.PRT.CONT) leantainn (follow.PRESPART) oirre (on her.PREP+PRON.F.3S) gus (in order to.CONJ) barrachd (more.ADV) chothroman (opportunities.N.M.PL+ASP) Gàidhlig (Scots Gaelic.N.F.SG) a (to.PRT.INFIN) thabhann (offer.V.INFIN+ASP) don (to the.PREP+DEF) mhòr-shluagh (general public.N.M.SG+ASP)