(82)Bha Sir Iain Noble, Somhairle MacGill-Eain, D.R. Dòmhnallach, an Dr Fionnlagh MacLeòid agus Gòrdan Barr am measg a' chiad urrasairean aig a' Cholaiste. Bhon chiad dol-a-mach tha iomadh gaisgeach is buidheann càirdeil air taic a thoirt don t-Sabhal.The first board of trustees included Sir Iain Noble, Sorley MacLean, D.R. MacDonald, Dr Finlay MacLeod and Gordon Barr, and from the outset the College has had the support and encouragement of many notable individuals and organisations. Bha (be.V.PAST) Sir (seek.V.IMPER) Iain (Ian.NPERSON) Noble (Noble.NAME) Somhairle (Sorley.NPERSON) MacGill-Eain (MacLean.NPERSON) DR (DR.UNK) Dòmhnallach (MacDonald.NPERSON) an (the.DEF.M.SG.NGD[or]the.DEF.F.SG.ND) Dr (Dr.ABBREV) Fionnlagh (Finlay.NPERSON) MacLeòid (MacLeod.NPERSON) agus (and.CONJ) Gòrdan (Gordon.NPERSON) Barr (Barr.NAME) am measg (among.PREP) a' (the.DEF.M.SG.GD) chiad (first.NUM.CARD+ASP) urrasairean (trustees.N.M.PL) aig (at.PREP) a' (the.DEF.F.SG.ND) Cholaiste (college.N.F.SG+ASP) Bhon (from the.PREP+DEF) chiad (first.NUM.CARD+ASP) dol-a-mach (outset.N.M.SG) tha (be.V.PRES) iomadh (many.N.M.SG) gaisgeach (hero.N.M.SG) is (and.CONJ) buidheann (group.N.F.SG) càirdeil (kind.ADJ) air (on.PREP) taic (support.N.F.SG) a (to.PRT.INFIN) thoirt (give.V.INFIN+ASP) don (to the.PREP+DEF) t-Sabhal (barn.N.M.SG+T)