(91)Tha àrainn na Colaiste air leudachadh gu mòr leis mar a tha àireamh nan oileanach agus pròiseactan ùra a' dol am meud.The College campus has expanded significantly to meet the needs of growing numbers of students and projects. Tha (be.V.PRES) àrainn (campus.N.F.SG) na (of the.DEF.F.SG.GEN) Colaiste (college.N.F.SG) air (after.PREP) leudachadh (expand.VN) gu (that.CONJ) mòr (big.ADJ) leis (with him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) mar (as.CONJ) a (which.PRT.REL) tha (be.V.PRES) àireamh (number.N.F.SG) nan (in their.PREP+POSS.3P[or]of the.DEF.PL.GEN) oileanach (student.N.M.SG) agus (and.CONJ) pròiseactan (projects.N.M.PL) ùra (new.ADJ.PL) a' (-ing.PRT.CONT) dol (go.PRESPART) am (the.DEF.M.SG.NOM) meud (size.N.M.SG)