138 ١٣٨
أَكَتٗؤَ تَمَارِ * نَخُبُوزِ يَشَعِيْرِ
akaṯoa ṯamāri * na ẖubūzi ya sha'ı̄ri
He took out dates and barley bread
نَمِلْحِ أَصْفَرِ * كَكهٖيْتِ كَٹٗئٖلٖئَ
na mil
ihi aṣ
[1] * kakʿēṯi kaţoelea
And yellow salt - he sat down and took [them] out.
139 ١٣٩
كِشَكُوْلَ كَحِمِيْدِ * ۏَاكٖ إِلَاهِ وَدُوْدِ
kishakūla kaḥimı̄ḏi * w̱āke ilāhi waḏūḏi
When he finished eating he gave thanks to his beloved God,
مُؤُوْنْبَ زٗوْتهٖ جَسَادِ * مَعَدُوِ نَمَوَلِيْ
muūm̱ba zōṯʿe jasāḏi * ma'aḏuwi na mawalii
The Creator of all individuals - both enemies and friends.
140 ١٤٠
هَاتَ كُكِپَنْبَؤُوْكَ * عَمُوْرِ أَكَتٗوْكَ
hāṯa kukipam̱baūka * 'amūri akaṯōka
Until, when dawn came, Amuri came out
كْوَ عَلِىْ أَكَفِيْكَ * سَوْتِ أَكَئِتٗؤَ
kwa 'alii akafı̄ka * sawṯi akaiṯoa
He arrived beside Ali and [Ali] spoke.
141 ١٤١
عَلِىْ كَتَكَلَامَ * أَهْلاً يَا مُكَرَّمَ
'alii kaṯakalāma * ahalāⁿ yā mukarrama
Ali said Greetings, Honoured One
ٹُتَوَصِيْل سَلَامَ * نْدِئَ إِنْڠَاۏَ طَوِلِيَ
ţuṯawaṣı̄li salāma * nḏia ingāw̱a ṭawiliya
We shall arrive safely even if the road is long.
142 ١٤٢
عَمُوْرِ كَرُوْدِ نْڈَانِ * كَئِلَبِيْسِ يُوَانِ
'amūri karūḏi nḑāni * kailabı̄si yuwāni
Amuri went back inside; know that he dressed himself
دِرِيْعِ زَ أُۏَنْدَانِ * أَكَئِفُوْنْڠَ زِكَمْكَاءَ
ḏirī'i za uw̱anḏāni
[3] * akaifūnga zikamkāa
In battle-armour, and fastened it firmly upon himself.
143 ١٤٣
نَسٖيْفُ نْجٖيْمَ أَسِيْسِ * نَرُمْحِ نَتُرُوْسِ
na sēfu njēma ası̄si * na rumuḥi na ṯurūsi
And [took up] a good, stout sword, and a spear, and a shield.
أَكَمْپَانْڈَ فَرَاسِ * جُوْ أَكَمْكَلِئَ
akampānḑa farāsi * juu akamkalia
Then he mounted his steed, and seated himself upon it.
144 ١٤٤
ۏَكٖيْنْڈَ تهَخُبِيْرِ * بِاللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ
w̱akēnḑa ṯʿaẖubı̄ri * bi-llayli wa-nnahāri
They went, I'll tell you, by night and day,
ۏَكَپَنْبَانَ نَبَحَارِ * نَمِيْٹِ نَمَطَرِيَ
w̱akapam̱bāna na baḥāri * na mı̄ţi na maṭariya
And they encountered oceans, and forests, and oases.
145 ١٤٥
ۏَكٖنٖينْڈَ يُۏَانِ * عَلِىْ نَمَلِعُوْن
w̱akenēnḑa yuw̱āni * 'alii namali'ūn
Know that they went on, Ali and the Accursed One;
نْدِئَ زِيْلِ زَمَدِيْنِ * عَمُوْرِ كَزِٹَنْبُؤَ
nḏia zı̄li za maḏı̄ni * 'amūri kaziţam̱bua
These roads [led to] Medina - Amuri recognised them.
146 ١٤٦
عَمُوْرِ كَذُكُوْرِ * كَمْوَنبِئَ حَيْدَرِ
'amūri kadhukūri * kamwam̱bia ḥayḏari
Amuri spoke and said to the Lion:
دُرُوْبُ نْدَ أَنْصَارِ * نْبٗوْنَ ٹْوَئِفُوَٹِئَ
ḏurūbu nḏa anṣāri
[7] * m̱bōna ţwaifuwaţia
This is the Companions' road why are we following it?
147 ١٤٧
نَاسِ ٹُمٖفَانْيَ مَشَؤُوْرِ * يَكْوٖنٖينْڈَ سَفَارِ
nāsi ţumefānya mashaūri * ya kwenēnḑa safāri
For we have taken counsel about going on the journey,
كْوَنْڠَلِئَ أَمْصَارِ * جُنُوْدِ كُئِكُسَنْيِئَ
kwangalia amṣāri * junūḏi kuikusanyia
to reconnoitre the city while the army assembles.
[1] The salt is yellow because it is unpurified rock-salt, containing iodine.
[2] The implication is that these are friends and enemies of Islam.
[3] أُۏَنْدَ (uwanda) is an
open space, and by extension a
[4] Lit.
and bound himself so that [the armour] stayed on him.
[5] Ar
مطر rain. Seemingly used by extension here to mean a place with water.
[6] A frequently-used metonym for Ali.
[7] The Ansari were the Muslims of Medina who gave refuge to the Prophet after the Hegira. Possibly this word is in error for
city, used in the next stanza.