أُتٖيْنْزِ ۏَ ڤِيْٹَ ڤِكُوْ
uṯēnzi w̱a vı̄ţa vikuu (The Ballad of the Great Battle)
أَكَتٗؤَ تَمَارِ * نَخُبُوزِ يَشَعِيْرِ |
١٣٨ |
akaṯoa ṯamāri * na ẖubūzi ya sha'ı̄ri |
138a/b |
He took out dates and barley bread |
نَمِلْحِ أَصْفَرِ * كَكهٖيْتِ كَٹٗئٖلٖئَ |
na miliḥi aṣufari(1) The salt is yellow because it is unpurified rock-salt, containing iodine. * kakʿēṯi kaţoelea |
138c/d |
And yellow salt - he sat down and took [them] out. |
كِشَكُوْلَ كَحِمِيْدِ * ۏَاكٖ إِلَاهِ وَدُوْدِ |
١٣٩ |
kishakūla kaḥimı̄ḏi * w̱āke ilāhi waḏūḏi |
139a/b |
When he finished eating he gave thanks to his beloved God, |
مُؤُوْنْبَ زٗوْتهٖ جَسَادِ * مَعَدُوِ نَمَوَلِيْ |
muūm̱ba zōṯʿe jasāḏi * ma'aḏuwi na mawalii(2) The implication is that these are friends and enemies of Islam. |
139c/d |
The Creator of all individuals - both enemies and friends. |
هَاتَ كُكِپَنْبَؤُوْكَ * عَمُوْرِ أَكَتٗوْكَ |
١٤٠ |
hāṯa kukipam̱baūka * 'amūri akaṯōka |
140a/b |
Until, when dawn came, Amuri came out |
كْوَ عَلِىْ أَكَفِيْكَ * سَوْتِ أَكَئِتٗؤَ |
kwa 'alii akafı̄ka * sawṯi akaiṯoa |
140c/d |
He arrived beside Ali and [Ali] spoke. |
عَلِىْ كَتَكَلَامَ * أَهْلاً يَا مُكَرَّمَ |
١٤١ |
'alii kaṯakalāma * ahalāⁿ yā mukarrama |
141a/b |
Ali said Greetings, Honoured One |
ٹُتَوَصِيْل سَلَامَ * نْدِئَ إِنْڠَاۏَ طَوِلِيَ |
ţuṯawaṣı̄li salāma * nḏia ingāw̱a ṭawiliya |
141c/d |
We shall arrive safely even if the road is long. |
عَمُوْرِ كَرُوْدِ نْڈَانِ * كَئِلَبِيْسِ يُوَانِ |
١٤٢ |
'amūri karūḏiB: أَكٖينْڈَ akēnḑa nḑāni * kailabı̄si yuwāni |
142a/b |
Amuri went back inside; know that he dressed himself |
دِرِيْعِ زَ أُۏَنْدَانِ * أَكَئِفُوْنْڠَ زِكَمْكَاءَ |
ḏirī'i za uw̱anḏāni(3) أُۏَنْدَ (uwanda) is an open space, and by extension a battlefield. * akaifūnga zikamkāa(4)Lit. and bound himself so that [the armour] stayed on him. |
142c/d |
In battle-armour, and fastened it firmly upon himself. |
نَسٖيْفُ نْجٖيْمَ أَسِيْسِ * نَرُمْحِ نَتُرُوْسِ |
١٤٣ |
na sēfu njēma ası̄si * na rumuḥi na ṯurūsi |
143a/b |
And [took up] a good, stout sword, and a spear, and a shield. |
أَكَمْپَانْڈَ فَرَاسِ * جُوْ أَكَمْكَلِئَ |
akampānḑa farāsi * juu akamkalia |
143c/d |
Then he mounted his steed, and seated himself upon it. |
ۏَكٖيْنْڈَ تهَخُبِيْرِ * بِاللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ |
١٤٤ |
w̱akēnḑa ṯʿaẖubı̄ri * bi-llayli wa-nnahāri |
144a/b |
They went, I'll tell you, by night and day, |
ۏَكَپَنْبَانَ نَبَحَارِ * نَمِيْٹِ نَمَطَرِيَ |
w̱akapam̱bāna na baḥāri * na mı̄ţi na maṭariya(5) Ar مطر rain. Seemingly used by extension here to mean a place with water. |
144c/d |
And they encountered oceans, and forests, and oases. |
ۏَكٖنٖينْڈَ يُۏَانِ * عَلِىْ نَمَلِعُوْنِ |
١٤٥ |
w̱akenēnḑa yuw̱āni * 'alii namali'ūni |
145a/b |
Know that they went on, Ali and the Accursed One; |
نْدِئَ زِيْلِ زَمَدِيْنِ * عَمُوْرِ كَزِٹَنْبُؤَ |
nḏia zı̄li za maḏı̄ni * 'amūri kaziţam̱bua |
145c/d |
These roads [led to] Medina - Amuri recognised them. |
عَمُوْرِ كَذُكُوْرِ * كَمْوَنبِئَ حَيْدَرِ |
١٤٦ |
'amūri kadhukūri * kamwam̱bia ḥayḏari(6) A frequently-used metonym for Ali. |
146a/b |
Amuri spoke and said to the Lion: |
دُرُوْبُ نْدَ أَنْصَارِ * نْبٗوْنَ ٹْوَئِفُوَٹِئَ |
ḏurūbu nḏa anṣāri(7) The Ansari were the Muslims of Medina who gave refuge to the Prophet after the Hegira. Possibly this word is in error for أَمْصَارِ, city, used in the next stanza. * m̱bōna ţwaifuwaţia |
146c/d |
This is the Companions' road why are we following it? |
نَاسِ ٹُمٖفَانْيَ مَشَؤُوْرِ * يَكْوٖنٖينْڈَ سَفَارِ |
١٤٧ |
nāsi ţumefānya mashaūri * ya kwenēnḑa safāri |
147a/b |
For we have taken counsel about going on the journey, |
كْوَنْڠَلِئَ أَمْصَارِ * جُنُوْدِ كُئِكُسَنْيِئَ |
kwangalia amṣāri * junūḏi kuikusanyia |
147c/d |
to reconnoitre the city while the army assembles. |