Māori flag Duval

A grey background indicates that citations were written by Māori.

Exact match(es)

Marikena American (adj)

I u mai ia i tetahi kaipuke Marikena i te tau 1840. (KNT 4:3 1845,p.11)

He kaipuke whai taonga, e ahu ana pea o tetehi Taone o te whenua Marikena hoko ai. (Govt.16 1852,p.109)

Marikena American (n)

He torutoru o matou paura mo te ra kotahi, he nui to Hone Heke no e Marikena. (KNT 4:2 1845,p.7)

Extended match(es)

whaka-Marikena ? (n)

Ko te whainga a Marikena ki a ratou whaka-Marikena, e mumura haere ana, te ai he wahi mariri, ko te mea, e anga ana te papa ki nga ope o te taha o te Tuaraki. (MM2 2a:13 1862,p.7)