Māori flag Duval

A grey background indicates that citations were written by Māori.

Exact match(es)

epora ephod (= ornament or upper garment worn by Hebr. priests) (n)

Nga kohatu onika, me nga kohatu hei whakanoho ki te epora, ki te kouma. (Maun.14 1844,p.11)

Kahore he kingi, kahore he rangatira, kahore he patunga tapu, kahore hoki he pou, kahore he epora, kahore he terapimi. (Kareti 12 1856,p.484)

Extended match(es)

repora leopard (n)

Ko nga Hiako o nga kararehe e rua, ko to te Repora, ko to te Raeona, i riro i a ia te hoko ki te moni. (Govt.16 1852,p.18)