Māori flag Duval

A grey background indicates that citations were written by Māori.

Exact match(es)

hakimana a single-barrelled fowling gun (?) (possibly a name derived from the make of the weapon) (n)

Kotahi tupera me te hakimana i riro i te tahae. (KNT 1:12a 1842,p.52)

Nga pu maori, (Hakimana etahi). (KNT 1:8 1842,p.34)

Tangohia ake, e rua nga Hakimana i au, e toru nga Pu maori i taku hoa i a Paraire. (Govt.16 1852,p.135)

Tenei te taonga e kukume ai tatou, he hakimana, hei hoa whawhai mo nga manu o te rangi. (MM2 7:17 1860,p.19)