Māori flag Duval

A grey background indicates that citations were written by Māori.

Exact match(es)

maretire (as a martyr?) (adj)

I mate maretire ki hea a hato Petero raua ko hato Pauro?. (Pom.8 1847,p.374)

maretire martyr (n)

E te rangatira o nga Maretire, Inoi mo matou. (Pom.1 1842,p.52)

Ka tini mano nga Keritiano i noho pakeke ki te whakaaro mo te karakia a whakamatea rawatia ana, to ratou ingoa nui ko nga Maretire. (Pom.8 1847,p.217)

He tokomaha rawa o nga Maretire i kaha, i maia, i pai kia whakaheke to ratou toto hei tohu hoki o te pono o te Wangeriona. (Pom.3 1860,p.170)

Related match(es)

whakamaretiretia to be martyred (vi)

Mo te aha e whakahonore ana te Hahi ki a hato Petera raua ko hato Pauro i te ra ko tahi? Mo te mea kua whakamaretiretia raua mo Hehu Kerito i te ra ko tahi. (Pom.8 1847,p.373)