A grey background indicates that citations were written by Māori.
parete potato (given as a gainword in the 1915 edition of Williams's dictionary; poss. a gain from Scottish dialect for potato - pratie, though no hard evidence has been found) (n)
I tenei whakatupuranga e kai ana taua i te parete, i te poaka. (KNT 2:5 1843,p.20)
Pokaia te parete mataamua. (KNT 3:6 1844,p.31)
Eono te kau o nga parete; kotahi te kau ma wha o nga poaka. (KNT 4:6 1845,p.21)
E nui ana te parete o tenei tau i whakatokia e ia ki te parau a te Matiu, Minita o Kataia. (MM2 2:10 1856,p.3)