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A grey background indicates that citations were written by Māori.

Exact match(es)

taewa European (n)

Mokai tupu waihine i waiho ai au Mai me torokaha, te reti i a Marama Ma roto e tawhi ka hoki te taewa. (MM2 1:3 1855,p.10)

taewa potato (from 'Stivers', a European who may have introduced the potato to the Māori) (adj)

Te whenua Taewa, aha aha, i ngaro katoa i te Wai, e wha putu te hohonu o te Wai. (Wan.1 2:35 1875,p.454)

taewa potato (from 'Stivers', a European who may have introduced the potato to the Māori) (n)

E te iwi, tenei ake ano he ki wakapepeha na te taewa, ara na take mai ano, mo nga hapu e kore e atawai ki te pakeha. (KNT 3:7 1844,p.35)

Kahore he atawhai ki tona iwi e ruha kau nei i te mahinga witi, taewa, kaanga, me te tini noa atu o nga mahi. (MM2 Misc. 1858,p.9)

Kua whakaae koutou ki te tika o ta matou paunatanga i nga witi, i nga taewa, i nga mea katoa. (MM2 7:18 1860, p.32)

Kahore a koutou taewa hei hoko?. (Auck.3 1864,p.46)

Nga Taewa koparu. (Auck.3 1864,p.34)

I to ratou whakatete kia nui he mahinga kai mo tenei tau, kumara, taro, taewa, witi, oti, kaanga, paare, me nga tini kai a te tangata. (Wan.1 1:5 1874,p.18)