KoSajeon 코사전

-아 -a +INF
아다 -a-da +and_then < -아다가; with preceding verb whose stem contains ㅏ or ㅗ; implies that the first action is the basis for the subsequent action
-아줘서 -a-jweo-seo +favour+so implies asking sb to do st as a favour; < ju+eo
-아줬어요 -a-jweoss-eo-yo +favour+PAST+POL
-아져 -a-jyeo +become+INF passive
-아져서 -a-jyeo-seo +become+INF+so
-아졌어요 -a-jyeoss-eo-yo +become+PAST+POL passive
-아냈어요 -a-naess-eo-yo +manage_to+PAST+POL
-아라 -a-ra +COMMAND/EXCL
-아서 -a-seo +INF+so
-아야 -a-ya +INF+must need to, have to; p202
-어야겠어요 -a-ya-gess-eo-yo +should+POL
-어야지 -a-ya-ji +INF+must more emphatic version of -a-ya; more common in informal speech; p202
-어야지요 -a-ya-ji-yo +INF+must+POL
-아야만 -a-ya-man +INF+must more emphatic version of -a-ya; more common in formal speech or writing; p202
-아요 -a-yo +POL
-들아 -deul-a +PL+VOC
-잖아 -janh-a- +CHECK you know? don't you see?
-잖아요 -janh-a-yo +CHECK+POL you know? don't you see?
-렴아 -ryeom-a +IMP implies a gentle order from a superior

-동안 -dong-an +during

-았다 -ass-da +PAST+AFF
-았다가는 -ass-da-ga-neun +HYP hypothetical: if A were to happen, then B); p210
-았다고 -ass-da-go +PAST+QUO
-았다는 -ass-da-neun +PAST+DESC
-았던 -ass-deon +PLUPERF+DESC
-았어요 -ass-eo-yo +PAST+POL
-았을 -ass-eul +COND+DESC
-왔으면 -ass-eu-myeon +PAST+if implies "it would be great if..."
-았으니까 -ass-eu-ni-gga +PAST+because
-았기 -ass-gi +PAST+NOUN
-았고 -ass-go +PAST+and
-았지만 -ass-ji-man +PAST+but With a/o in the verb stem.
-았나 -ass-na +PAST+INT with following bo, see, means "it seems that", p138
-았는데 -ass-neun-de +PAST+HESITATE
-았는지 -ass-neun-ji +PAST+approx
-았니 -ass-ni +PAST+INT
-았습니다 -ass-seub-ni-da +PAST+INDIC+AFF
-았습니까 -ass-seub-ni-gga +PAST+INDIC+INT

-ㅂ니다 -b-ni-da +INDIC+AFF with preceding vowel; used in formal settings

-백 -baeg +hundred

-밖에 -bagg-e +beyond always followed by a negative such as 올 an (won't), 못 mos (can't), 없 eobs (not be), 모르 mo-reu (not know), etc. Differs from -만 -man (only) in that it implies that the speaker has less than she would wish to have.

-뿐이야 -bbun-i-ya +only+be+INT
-뿐만 -bbun-man +not_only usually followed by a-ni-ra (but also)

-어버리 -eo-beo-ri +completely signifies completion of an action, and also that the speaker is reiieved or sorry about the action
-어버린 -eo-beo-rin +completely+DESC

-번 -beon +number

-비서가 -bi-seo-ga +Secretary+SUBJ
-비서관 -bi-seo-gwan +Secretary

-보다 -bo-da +than

-부터 -bu-teo +from has the same "from" meaning as 에서, but sounds more formal
-에서부터 -e-seo-bu-teo +LOC+from
-으로부터 -eu-ro-bu-teo +LOC+from

-분간 -bun-gan +minutes+during
-분전 -bun-jeon +minutes+until

-별 -byeol +according to, classified as

-처럼 -ceo-reom +like

-ceob +book refers to a bound book such as an album or notebook

-천 -ceon +thousand CHECK: may not be necessary when using convert_numbers()

-ceung +floor
-층에 -ceung-e +floor+LOC

아다 -a-da +and_then < -아다가; with preceding verb whose stem contains ㅏ or ㅗ; implies that the first action is the basis for the subsequent action
-았다 -ass-da +PAST+AFF
-았다가는 -ass-da-ga-neun +HYP hypothetical: if A were to happen, then B); p210
-았다고 -ass-da-go +PAST+QUO
-았다는 -ass-da-neun +PAST+DESC
-았습니다 -ass-seub-ni-da +PAST+INDIC+AFF
-ㅂ니다 -b-ni-da +INDIC+AFF with preceding vowel; used in formal settings
-보다 -bo-da +than
-다 -da +AFF
-다가 -da-ga +while
-다가는 -da-ga-neun +continue implies a negative consequence in the future, so cannot be used in a postive sentence or in in other tense than the future; p210
-다고 -da-go +QUO
-다면 -da-myeon +AFF+if
-다는 -da-neun +QUO+DESC < -다고 하는, -da-go ha-neun; implies "that sb is/has/does" or "sb who is/has/does"
-다는데 -da-neun-de +AFF+HESITATE
-드립니다 -deu-rib-ni-da +VERB+polite+INDIC+PRES
-어다 -eo-da +and_then < -어다가; with preceding verb whose stem does not contain ㅏ or ㅗ, or is a -하 form; implies that the first action is the basis for the subsequent action
-어주었습니다 -eo-ju-eoss-seub-ni-da +favour+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-어졌습니다 -eo-jyeoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-었다 -eoss-da +PAST+AFF
-었다가 -eoss-da-ga +PAST+while also implies "since, because"
-었다가는 -eoss-da-ga-neun +HYP hypothetical: if A were to happen, then B); p210
-었습니다 -eoss-seub-ni-da +PAST+INDIC+AFF
-어야겠다 -eo-ya-gess-da +must implies "should" or "need to"; with 1P, denotes a strong compulsion to do st; with 2/3P, denotes a strong recommendation
-으십니다 -eu-sib-ni-da +HON+INDIC+AFF with preceding consonant
-겠다 -gess-da +FUT+AFF
-겠다고 -gess-da-go +FUT+QUO
-겠다는 -gess-da-neun +FUT+QUO+AFF implies "that sb will be/have/do" or "sb who will be/have/do"
-겠습니다 -gess-seub-ni-da +FUT+HON+INDIC+AFF
-까지이다 -gga-ji-i-da +until+be+AFF
-입니다 -ib-ni-da +be+INDIC+AFF
-이다 -i-da +be+AFF
-였다 -i-eoss-da +be+PAST+AFF
-였습니다 -i-eoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-이십니다 -i-sib-ni-da +be+HON+INDIC+AFF
-이였습니다 -i-yeoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-졌다 -ji-eoss-da +become+PAST+AFF
-졌습니다 -ji-eoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+INDIC+AFF
-마다 -ma-da +during refers to the preceding period of time, eg 저녁마다, jeo-nyeog-ma-da, during the evening, in the evening
-ㄴ다 -n-da +INDIC+AFF
-ㄴ다고 -n-da-go +QUO
-ㄴ다네 -n-da-ne +CONFIRM
-는다 -neun-da +INDIC+AFF
-섰습니다 -seoss-seub-ni-da +PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-습니다 -seub-ni-da +INDIC+AFF with preceding consonant; used in formal settings
-십니다 -sib-ni-da +HON+INDIC+AFF with preceding vowel
-여다 -yeo-da +and_then < -여다가; with preceding verb which is a -하 form; implies that the first action is the basis for the subsequent action
-였습니다 -yeoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF

-대리 -dae-ri +assistant_manager

-달 -dal +month

-았는데 -ass-neun-de +PAST+HESITATE
-다는데 -da-neun-de +AFF+HESITATE
-었는데 -eoss-neun-de +PAST+SUGGEST
-었는데요 -eoss-neun-de-yo +PAST+SUGGEST+POL With preceding active verb. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-은데 -eun-de +however while ..., nevertheless; p69
-은데요 -eun-de-yo +SUGGEST+POL with preceding descriptive verb ending in a consonant. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-까지인데 -gga-ji-in-de +until+be+SUGGEST
-인데 -in-de +as
-인데요 -in-de-yo +be+SUGGEST+POL
-ㄴ데 -n-de +SUGGEST
-ㄴ데요 -n-de-yo +SUGGEST+POL with preceding descriptive verb ending in a vowel. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-는데요 -neun-de +HESITATE implies hesitation or waiting for the other person to comment.
-는데요 -neun-de-yo +HESITATE+POL with preceding action verb. Implies hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.

-더니 -deo-ni +RESULT
-었더니 -eoss-deo-ni +PAST+and_then Retrospective. Implies that the new fact is different from what was expected. Could imply an element of surprise about the fact.
-시더라도 -si-deo-ra-do +HON+even_if

-았던 -ass-deon +PLUPERF+DESC
-던 -deon +IMPERF+DESC
-었던 -eoss-deon +PAST+DESC
-이었던 -i-eoss-deon +be+PAST+DESC

-드립니다 -deu-rib-ni-da +VERB+polite+INDIC+PRES
-여드리겠어 -yeo-deu-ri-gess-eo +CAUS+FAVOUR+FUT

-들 -deul +PL
-들아 -deul-a +PL+VOC
-들도 -deul-do +PL+also
-들에게 -deul-e-ge +PL+to
-들을 -deul-eul +PL+OBJ
-들은 -deul-eun +PL+TOPIC
-들과 -deul-gwa +PL+and
-들이 -deul-i +PL+SUBJ
-들이면 -deul-i-myeon +PL+be+if
-들의 -deul-ui +PL+POSS
-인들이 -in-deul-i +person+PL+SUBJ

-든 -deun +ever
-든가 -deun-ga +in_that_case
-었거든요 -eoss-geo-deun-yo +PAST+because+POL
-거든 -geo-deun +because with preceding verb; implies a reason, cause, or explanation: in fact, actually, you see, it's because
-거든요 -geo-deun-yo +because+POL with preceding verb; implies a reason, cause, or explanation: in fact, actually, you see, it's because
-이거든요 -i-geo-deun-yo +be+because+POL with preceding noun; implies a reason, cause, or explanation: in fact, actually, you see, it's because

-듯 -deus +as_if
-듯이 -deus-i +as_if

-들도 -deul-do +PL+also
-도 -do +also often has the meaning of "even"; attaches to nouns or adverbs; can also attach to each of two sequential verbs (V+do V+do), and then means "whether"
-도록 -do-rog +so_that for V-ing, to V
-에도 -e-do +LOC+also
-어도 -eo-do +INF+although implies although, even though, even if; can be used hypothetically in the past, whereas -da-ra-go can only be used in the present or future (when the action has not yet occurred); p104
-에서도 -e-seo-do +LOC+also
-으로서도 -eu-ro-seo-do +as+also
-게도 -ge-do +ADV+also
-기도 -gi-do +NOUN+also with following ha- means "sometimes"
-한테도 -han-te-do +to+also
-이라도 -i-ra-do +even with preceding consonant; implies emphasis; also means "at least" (a less than optimal choice), "any" (same as any other) or "for example"
-지도 -ji-do +neither
-면서도 -myeon-seo-do +while+also
-라도 -ra-do +even with preceding vowel; implies emphasis; also means "at least" (a less than optimal choice), "any" (same as any other) or "for example"
-로도 -ro-do +INST+also
-시더라도 -si-deo-ra-do +HON+even_if
-씨도 -ssi-do +Ms/r+also

-된 -doe-n +be+DESC

-동안 -dong-an +during


-밖에 -bagg-e +beyond always followed by a negative such as 올 an (won't), 못 mos (can't), 없 eobs (not be), 모르 mo-reu (not know), etc. Differs from -만 -man (only) in that it implies that the speaker has less than she would wish to have.
-층에 -ceung-e +floor+LOC
-들에게 -deul-e-ge +PL+to
-에 -e +LOC to or in a place; "to" refers only to inanimates; marks location in general (as opposed to -e-seo, which marks the location of an activity)
-에도 -e-do +LOC+also
-에게 -e-ge +to literary
-에게는 -e-ge-neun +to+TOPIC
-에나 -e-na +at (time)
-에는 -e-neun +LOC+TOPIC
-에서 -e-seo +LOC with o and ga (and other motion verbs), marks source or origin, "from"; with action verbs, marks the location of the activity (as opposed to -e, which marks location in general)
-에서부터 -e-seo-bu-teo +LOC+from
-에서도 -e-seo-do +LOC+also
-에서가 -e-seo-ga +LOC+SUBJ
-에서는 -e-seo-neun +LOC+TOPIC
-에서의 -e-seo-ui +LOC+POSS
-에요 -e-yo +LOC+be
-기에 -gi-e +NOUN+LOC
-기에는 -gi-e-neun +NOUN+LOC+TOPIC
-기전에 -gi-jeon-e +NOUN+before
-형에 -hyeong-e +type+LOC
-이에요 -i-e-yo +be+PRES+POL
-쯤에 -jjeum-e +approx+LOC
-만에 -man-e +only+LOC
-시에 -si-e +o'clock+at
-속에 -sog-e +in

-엔 -en +LOC+TOPIC < -e-neun
-기엔 -gi-en +NOUN+LOC+TOPIC

-아줬어요 -a-jweoss-eo-yo +favour+PAST+POL
-아졌어요 -a-jyeoss-eo-yo +become+PAST+POL passive
-아냈어요 -a-naess-eo-yo +manage_to+PAST+POL
-았어요 -ass-eo-yo +PAST+POL
-어야겠어요 -a-ya-gess-eo-yo +should+POL
-어 -eo +INF
-어버리 -eo-beo-ri +completely signifies completion of an action, and also that the speaker is reiieved or sorry about the action
-어버린 -eo-beo-rin +completely+DESC
-어다 -eo-da +and_then < -어다가; with preceding verb whose stem does not contain ㅏ or ㅗ, or is a -하 form; implies that the first action is the basis for the subsequent action
-어도 -eo-do +INF+although implies although, even though, even if; can be used hypothetically in the past, whereas -da-ra-go can only be used in the present or future (when the action has not yet occurred); p104
-어간 -eo-gan +gradually+DESC
-어가라 -eo-ga-ra +REP+IMP
-어지 -eo-ji +PASS adds a passive or becoming (change of state) meaning to the verb
-어져 -eo-ji-eo +QUERY
-어질 -eo-jil +PASS+L
-어진 -eo-jin +PASS+DESC
-어지나 -eo-ji-na +PAST+like_that
-어주었습니다 -eo-ju-eoss-seub-ni-da +favour+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-어준 -eo-jun +favour+DESC
-어주는 -eo-ju-neun +favour+DESC
-어줘 -eo-jweo +favour implies asking sb to do st as a favour; < ju+eo
-어줬어요 -eo-jweoss-eo-yo +favour+PAST+POL
-어져 -eo-jyeo +become+INF passive
-어졌어요 -eo-jyeoss-eo-yo +become+PAST+POL passive
-어졌습니다 -eo-jyeoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-어져요 -eo-jyeo-yo +become+INF+POL passive
-어놓 -eo-noh +COMPLETED used for an act which is completed, and the resulting state continues
-어온 -eo-on +PAST+DESC
-어라 -eo-ra +COMMAND/EXCL
-어서 -eo-seo +INF+so
-어세요 -eo-se-yo +HON+POL
-었어 -eoss-eo +PAST+INDIC
-었어요 -eoss-eo-yo +PAST+POL
-어와 -eo-wa +INF+and
-어서 -eo-wa-seo +so
-어야 -eo-ya +INF+must need to, have to; p202
-어야겠다 -eo-ya-gess-da +must implies "should" or "need to"; with 1P, denotes a strong compulsion to do st; with 2/3P, denotes a strong recommendation
-어야겠어요 -eo-ya-gess-eo-yo +should+POL
-어야할 -eo-ya-hal +INF+must+L
-어요 -eo-yo +POL
-으시겠어요 -eu-si-gess-eo-yo +HON+FUT+POL
-겠어요 -gess-eo-yo +FUT+POL
-이었어요 -i-eoss-eo-yo +be+PAST+POL
-셨어요 -si-eoss-eo-yo +HON+PAST+POL
-시겠어요 -si-gess-eo-yo +HON+FUT+POL
-셨어요 -syeoss-eo-yo +HON+PAST+POL
-여드리겠어 -yeo-deu-ri-gess-eo +CAUS+FAVOUR+FUT

-없이 -eobs-i +without

-어주었습니다 -eo-ju-eoss-seub-ni-da +favour+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-었다 -eoss-da +PAST+AFF
-었다가 -eoss-da-ga +PAST+while also implies "since, because"
-었다가는 -eoss-da-ga-neun +HYP hypothetical: if A were to happen, then B); p210
-었던 -eoss-deon +PAST+DESC
-었더니 -eoss-deo-ni +PAST+and_then Retrospective. Implies that the new fact is different from what was expected. Could imply an element of surprise about the fact.
-었어 -eoss-eo +PAST+INDIC
-었어요 -eoss-eo-yo +PAST+POL
-었을 -eoss-eul +PAST+L
-었으면 -eoss-eu-myeon +PAST+if implies "it would be great if..."
-었으니 -eoss-eu-ni +PAST+because
-었거든요 -eoss-geo-deun-yo +PAST+because+POL
-었겠네 -eoss-gess-ne +PAST+FUT+EXCL
-었고 -eoss-go +PAST+and
-었지만 -eoss-ji-man +PAST+but
-었나 -eoss-na +PAST+INT with following bo, see, means "it seems that", p138
-었네 -eoss-ne +PAST+SURPRISE
-었는데 -eoss-neun-de +PAST+SUGGEST
-었는데요 -eoss-neun-de-yo +PAST+SUGGEST+POL With preceding active verb. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-었는지 -eoss-neun-ji +PAST+approx
-었습니다 -eoss-seub-ni-da +PAST+INDIC+AFF
-였다 -i-eoss-da +be+PAST+AFF
-이었던 -i-eoss-deon +be+PAST+DESC
-이었어요 -i-eoss-eo-yo +be+PAST+POL
-였기 -i-eoss-gi +be+PAST+NOUN
-였지만 -i-eoss-ji-man +be+PAST+but
-였네 -i-eoss-ne +be+PAST+SURPRISE
-였습니다 -i-eoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-졌다 -ji-eoss-da +become+PAST+AFF
-졌습니다 -ji-eoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+INDIC+AFF
-셨어요 -si-eoss-eo-yo +HON+PAST+POL
-셨나요 -si-eoss-na-yo +HON+PAST+INT+POL

-왔으면 -ass-eu-myeon +PAST+if implies "it would be great if..."
-았으니까 -ass-eu-ni-gga +PAST+because
-었으면 -eoss-eu-myeon +PAST+if implies "it would be great if..."
-었으니 -eoss-eu-ni +PAST+because
-을게요 -eu-l-ge-yo +FUT+POL with preceding consonant; expresses the speaker's will or intention; used ONLY with first person (never second or third); connotation of "if it's OK with you"; sounds casual, so not used in formal settings; pronounced -eul-gge-yo
-으며 -eu-myeo +while
-으면 -eu-myeon +if with preceding consonant
-으면서 -eu-myeon-seo +while
-으니 -eu-ni +because because, since, as; refers to the reason for something; can also imply that you were doing something and then realised something (else)
-으니까 -eu-ni-gga +because with preceding consonant
-으러 -eu-reo +in_order_to
-으로 -eu-ro +INST With preceding consonant. Indicates a means or tool (instrumental), general direction (contrast -e, which refers to a specific location or direction), a selection from several options (eg in what size...?), the end point of a change of state (became ...), a reason (due to, because of).
-으로부터 -eu-ro-bu-teo +LOC+from
-으로는 -eu-ro-neun +LOC+TOPIC
-으로서도 -eu-ro-seo-do +as+also
--으려고 -eu-ryeo-go +INTENT with preceding consonant
-으려면 -eu-ryeo-myeon +INTENT+if
-으세요 -eu-se-yo +HON+POL with preceding consonant
-으십니다 -eu-sib-ni-da +HON+INDIC+AFF with preceding consonant
-으시겠어요 -eu-si-gess-eo-yo +HON+FUT+POL
-명으로 -myeong-eu-ro +people+INST

-았을 -ass-eul +COND+DESC
-들을 -deul-eul +PL+OBJ
-었을 -eoss-eul +PAST+L
-을 -eul +OBJ with preceding consonant
-ㄹ거야 -eul-geo-ya +FUT+INT
-을거예요 -eul-geo-ye-yo +FUT+POL
-을까 -eul-gga +wonder with preceding consonant; implies a tentative enquiry: "I wonder if ...", "shall ..."
-을까요 -eul-gga-yo +should with preceding consonant; implies "should" or "shall", or "I wonder ..." or "do you think ...". It is always a question.
-음을 -eum-eul +NOUN+OBJ
-님을 -nim-eul +Sir+OBJ
-선을 -seon-eul +line+TOPIC
-속을 -sog-eul +in+OBJ

-음을 -eum-eul +NOUN+OBJ

-들은 -deul-eun +PL+TOPIC
-은 -eun +TOPIC with preceding consonant
-은데 -eun-de +however while ..., nevertheless; p69
-은데요 -eun-de-yo +SUGGEST+POL with preceding descriptive verb ending in a consonant. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-은지 -eun-ji +whether implies a guess, uncertainty, or lack of knowledge; p160
-면은 -myeon-eun +if+TOPIC
-님은요 -nim-eun-yo +Sir+TOPIC+POL

-았다가는 -ass-da-ga-neun +HYP hypothetical: if A were to happen, then B); p210
-비서가 -bi-seo-ga +Secretary+SUBJ
-다가 -da-ga +while
-다가는 -da-ga-neun +continue implies a negative consequence in the future, so cannot be used in a postive sentence or in in other tense than the future; p210
-든가 -deun-ga +in_that_case
-어가라 -eo-ga-ra +REP+IMP
-었다가 -eoss-da-ga +PAST+while also implies "since, because"
-었다가는 -eoss-da-ga-neun +HYP hypothetical: if A were to happen, then B); p210
-에서가 -e-seo-ga +LOC+SUBJ
-가 -ga +SUBJ with preceding vowel
-기가 -gi-ga +NOUN+SUBJ
-인가 -i-n-ga +be+SUPPOSE
-ㄴ가 -n-ga +some suppositional, giving a sense of indefiniteness
-ㄴ가가 -n-ga-ga +some+SUBJ
-씨가 -ssi-ga +Ms/r+SUBJ

-분간 -bun-gan +minutes+during
-어간 -eo-gan +gradually+DESC

-들에게 -deul-e-ge +PL+to
-에게 -e-ge +to literary
-에게는 -e-ge-neun +to+TOPIC
-을게요 -eu-l-ge-yo +FUT+POL with preceding consonant; expresses the speaker's will or intention; used ONLY with first person (never second or third); connotation of "if it's OK with you"; sounds casual, so not used in formal settings; pronounced -eul-gge-yo
-게 -ge +ADV adverbialiser; also means "so that"
-게도 -ge-do +ADV+also
-ㄹ게요 -l-ge-yo +FUT+POL with preceding vowel; expresses the speaker's will or intention; used ONLY with first person (never second or third); connotation of "if it's OK with you"; sounds casual, so not used in formal settings; pronounced -l-gge-yo;

-었거든요 -eoss-geo-deun-yo +PAST+because+POL
-ㄹ거야 -eul-geo-ya +FUT+INT
-을거예요 -eul-geo-ye-yo +FUT+POL
-거든 -geo-deun +because with preceding verb; implies a reason, cause, or explanation: in fact, actually, you see, it's because
-거든요 -geo-deun-yo +because+POL with preceding verb; implies a reason, cause, or explanation: in fact, actually, you see, it's because
-거나 -geo-na +or implies that a choice can be made between two actions, or that there is no difference between outcomes
-이거든요 -i-geo-deun-yo +be+because+POL with preceding noun; implies a reason, cause, or explanation: in fact, actually, you see, it's because
-는거야 -neun-geo-ya +DESC+thing+be
-ㄴ거 -n-geo +DESC+thing

-시는겁니까 -si-neun-geob-ni-gga +HON+DESC+thing+INT+PRES

-ㄹ걸 -l-geol +should

-건 -geon +or < -거나, implies that a choice can be made between two actions, or that there is no difference between outcomes
-ㄴ건 -n-geon +DESC+thing+TOPIC

-어야겠어요 -a-ya-gess-eo-yo +should+POL
-었겠네 -eoss-gess-ne +PAST+FUT+EXCL
-어야겠다 -eo-ya-gess-da +must implies "should" or "need to"; with 1P, denotes a strong compulsion to do st; with 2/3P, denotes a strong recommendation
-어야겠어요 -eo-ya-gess-eo-yo +should+POL
-으시겠어요 -eu-si-gess-eo-yo +HON+FUT+POL
-겠다 -gess-da +FUT+AFF
-겠다고 -gess-da-go +FUT+QUO
-겠다는 -gess-da-neun +FUT+QUO+AFF implies "that sb will be/have/do" or "sb who will be/have/do"
-겠어요 -gess-eo-yo +FUT+POL
-겠지 -gess-ji +FUT+QUERY
-겠네 -gess-ne +FUT+EXCL
-겠느냐 -gess-neu-nya +FUT+INDIC+
-겠니 -gess-ni +FUT+INT
-겠냐고 -gess-nya-go +FUT+QQUO -nya-go implies referring to a question previously asked
-겠습니다 -gess-seub-ni-da +FUT+HON+INDIC+AFF
-시겠어요 -si-gess-eo-yo +HON+FUT+POL
-야겠네요 -ya-gess-ne-yo +FUT+COMPEL+POL
-여드리겠어 -yeo-deu-ri-gess-eo +CAUS+FAVOUR+FUT

-았으니까 -ass-eu-ni-gga +PAST+because
-았습니까 -ass-seub-ni-gga +PAST+INDIC+INT
-을까 -eul-gga +wonder with preceding consonant; implies a tentative enquiry: "I wonder if ...", "shall ..."
-을까요 -eul-gga-yo +should with preceding consonant; implies "should" or "shall", or "I wonder ..." or "do you think ...". It is always a question.
-으니까 -eu-ni-gga +because with preceding consonant
-까지 -gga-ji +until
-까지이다 -gga-ji-i-da +until+be+AFF
-까지이고 -gga-ji-i-go +until+be+and
-까지인데 -gga-ji-in-de +until+be+SUGGEST
-까지는 -gga-ji-neun +until+TOPIC
-입니까 -ib-ni-gga +be+INDIC+INT
-이십니까 -i-sib-ni-gga +be+HON+INDIC+INT
-ㄹ까 -l-gga +wonder with preceding vowel; implies a tentative enquiry: "I wonder if ...", "shall ..."
-ㄹ까요 -l-gga-yo +should with preceding vowel; implies "should" or "shall", or "I wonder ..." or "do you think ...". It is always a question.
-니까 -ni-gga +because with preceding vowel or ㄹ
-습니까 -seub-ni-gga +INDIC+INT
-십니까 -sib-ni-gga +be+HON+INT+PRES
-실까요 -si-l-gga-yo +HON+should
-시는겁니까 -si-neun-geob-ni-gga +HON+DESC+thing+INT+PRES

-께 -gge +to+HON

-았기 -ass-gi +PAST+NOUN
-기 -gi +NOUN with preceding vowel; indicates unfinished activities, processes and states
-기도 -gi-do +NOUN+also with following ha- means "sometimes"
-기에 -gi-e +NOUN+LOC
-기엔 -gi-en +NOUN+LOC+TOPIC
-기에는 -gi-e-neun +NOUN+LOC+TOPIC
-기가 -gi-ga +NOUN+SUBJ
-기전에 -gi-jeon-e +NOUN+before
-기는 -gi-neun +NOUN+TOPIC
-기를 -gi-reul +NOUN+OBJ
-기로 -gi-ro +decide
-였기 -i-eoss-gi +be+PAST+NOUN
-시기 -si-gi +HON+NOUN followed by ddae-mun-e to mean "because of"; this takes a preceding noun, so a nominaliser has to be used if the preceding item is a verb

-았다고 -ass-da-go +PAST+QUO
-았고 -ass-go +PAST+and
-다고 -da-go +QUO
-었고 -eoss-go +PAST+and
--으려고 -eu-ryeo-go +INTENT with preceding consonant
-겠다고 -gess-da-go +FUT+QUO
-겠냐고 -gess-nya-go +FUT+QQUO -nya-go implies referring to a question previously asked
-까지이고 -gga-ji-i-go +until+be+and
-고 -go +and connects verbs (clauses); no logical connection is implied; "and" in a positive sentence, "or" in a negative sentence; refers to two or more things of equal status
-하고 -ha-go +with
-이고 -i-go +be+and
-이라고 -i-ra-go +QUO with preceding consonant
-자고 -ja-go +PQUO
-자고요 -ja-go-yo +CONFIRM
-졌고 -jyeoss-go +become+PAST+and
-ㄴ다고 -n-da-go +QUO
-냐고 -nya-go +QQUO implies referring to a question previously asked, or using quoted material in question form
-라고 -ra-go +QUO with preceding vowel; in quoted commands, the benefactive 주, ju (do for, let, allow - act for the benefit of sb else) is usually replaced by 달, dal, unless the person benefitting from the action is different from the person making the command
-려고 -ryeo-go +INTENT with preceding vowel
-였고 -yeoss-go +be+PAST+and

-곤 -gon +often

-공주 -gong-ju +Princess
-공주는 -gong-ju-neun +Princess+TOPIC

-구먼 -gu-meon +indeed
-구나 -gu-na +REALISE implies that something has just been realised or learned; I see that ...; often conveys surprise; p172
-군요 -gu-nyo +REALISE+POL implies that something has just been realised or learned; I see that ...; often conveys surprise; p172

-들과 -deul-gwa +PL+and
-과 -gwa +and connects nouns; literary
-과장 -gwa-jang +section_chief
-과는 -gwa-neun +and+TOPIC
-과의 -gwa-ui +with+POSS
-률과 -ryul-gwa +rate+and

-비서관 -bi-seo-gwan +Secretary
-관 -gwan +official

-하고 -ha-go +with

-해 -hae +do
-해요 -hae-yo +do+POL

-어야할 -eo-ya-hal +INF+must+L
-야할 -ya-hal +INF+needs_to+L

-한테 -han-te +to
-한테도 -han-te-do +to+also

-형 -hyeong +type
-형에 -hyeong-e +type+LOC

-뿐이야 -bbun-i-ya +only+be+INT
-들이 -deul-i +PL+SUBJ
-들이면 -deul-i-myeon +PL+be+if
-듯이 -deus-i +as_if
-없이 -eobs-i +without
-까지이다 -gga-ji-i-da +until+be+AFF
-까지이고 -gga-ji-i-go +until+be+and
-이 -i +SUBJ with preceding consonant
-이다 -i-da +be+AFF
-였다 -i-eoss-da +be+PAST+AFF
-이었던 -i-eoss-deon +be+PAST+DESC
-이었어요 -i-eoss-eo-yo +be+PAST+POL
-였기 -i-eoss-gi +be+PAST+NOUN
-였지만 -i-eoss-ji-man +be+PAST+but
-였네 -i-eoss-ne +be+PAST+SURPRISE
-였습니다 -i-eoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-이에요 -i-e-yo +be+PRES+POL
-이거든요 -i-geo-deun-yo +be+because+POL with preceding noun; implies a reason, cause, or explanation: in fact, actually, you see, it's because
-이고 -i-go +be+and
-이자 -i-ja +be+person
-이지 -i-ji +be+SUGGEST
-이지만 -i-ji-man +be+but
-이죠 -i-jyo +SUBJ+QUERY
-일 -i-l +be+L
-일이요 -il-i-yo +day+be+POL
-이며 -i-myeo +be+while
-이나 -i-na +or refers to nouns
-인들이 -in-deul-i +person+PL+SUBJ
-이네요 -i-ne-yo +be+SURPRISE+POL
-인가 -i-n-ga +be+SUPPOSE
-인이 -in-i +DESC+SUBJ
-이라 -i-ra +be+because
-이라도 -i-ra-do +even with preceding consonant; implies emphasis; also means "at least" (a less than optimal choice), "any" (same as any other) or "for example"
-이라고 -i-ra-go +QUO with preceding consonant
-이라며 -i-ra-myeo +be+CHECK implies uncertainty and a neeed to check or confirm
-이라는 -i-ra-neun +be+QUO with preceding noun
-이라를 -i-ra-reul +be+AFF+OBJ this combination only occurs in phrases where a title which contains the verb ending is being referred to as an object, eg ‘이번 생은 처음이라’를
-이라서 -i-ra-seo +be+because
-이세요 -i-se-yo +be+HON+PRES+POL
-이십니다 -i-sib-ni-da +be+HON+INDIC+AFF
-이십니까 -i-sib-ni-gga +be+HON+INDIC+INT
-이야 -i-ya +be+INT
-이였습니다 -i-yeoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-이예요 -i-ye-yo +be+PRES+POL
-만이 -man-i +many
-ㄴ일이 -n-il-i +DESC+things+be

-입니다 -ib-ni-da +be+INDIC+AFF
-입니까 -ib-ni-gga +be+INDIC+INT

-일 -il +day
-일이요 -il-i-yo +day+be+POL
-ㄴ일이 -n-il-i +DESC+things+be

-까지인데 -gga-ji-in-de +until+be+SUGGEST
-인 -in +DESC < i (copula) + n (adjectiviser)
-인데 -in-de +as
-인들이 -in-deul-i +person+PL+SUBJ
-인데요 -in-de-yo +be+SUGGEST+POL
-인이 -in-i +DESC+SUBJ
-인지 -in-ji +be+maybe
-인의 -in-ui +person+POSS
-적인 -jeog-in +type+DESC

-이자 -i-ja +be+person
-자 -ja +then can have a hortative meaning ("let's ...")
-자 -ja +letter
-자고 -ja-go +PQUO
-자고요 -ja-go-yo +CONFIRM
-자마자 -ja-ma-ja +as_soon_as cannot be used with a negative verb; similar to -ja, but implies less time; Kingdon p273

-과장 -gwa-jang +section_chief

-잖아 -janh-a- +CHECK you know? don't you see?
-잖아요 -janh-a-yo +CHECK+POL you know? don't you see?

-적 -jeog +type
-적인 -jeog-in +type+DESC

-분전 -bun-jeon +minutes+until
-기전에 -gi-jeon-e +NOUN+before

-았지만 -ass-ji-man +PAST+but With a/o in the verb stem.
-았는지 -ass-neun-ji +PAST+approx
-어야지 -a-ya-ji +INF+must more emphatic version of -a-ya; more common in informal speech; p202
-어야지요 -a-ya-ji-yo +INF+must+POL
-어지 -eo-ji +PASS adds a passive or becoming (change of state) meaning to the verb
-어져 -eo-ji-eo +QUERY
-어지나 -eo-ji-na +PAST+like_that
-었지만 -eoss-ji-man +PAST+but
-었는지 -eoss-neun-ji +PAST+approx
-은지 -eun-ji +whether implies a guess, uncertainty, or lack of knowledge; p160
-겠지 -gess-ji +FUT+QUERY
-까지 -gga-ji +until
-까지이다 -gga-ji-i-da +until+be+AFF
-까지이고 -gga-ji-i-go +until+be+and
-까지인데 -gga-ji-in-de +until+be+SUGGEST
-까지는 -gga-ji-neun +until+TOPIC
-였지만 -i-eoss-ji-man +be+PAST+but
-이지 -i-ji +be+SUGGEST
-이지만 -i-ji-man +be+but
-인지 -in-ji +be+maybe
-지 -ji +but connects two contrasting facts
-지 -ji +SUGGEST I suppose (statement), I wonder (question)
-지 -ji +NEG +NEG before anh-
-지도 -ji-do +neither
-졌다 -ji-eoss-da +become+PAST+AFF
-졌습니다 -ji-eoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+INDIC+AFF
-지마 -ji-ma +NEG+IMP
-지만 -ji-man +but preceded by a verb
-ㄹ지 -l-ji +L+NEG
-는지 -neun-ji +QVAGUE
-ㄴ지 -n-ji +VAGUE implies vague doubt or judgment
-시지 -si-ji +HON+SUGGEST
-야지 -ya-ji +should
-야지요 -ya-ji-yo +should+POL
-였지만 -yeoss-ji-man +be+PAST+but

-어질 -eo-jil +PASS+L

-어진 -eo-jin +PASS+DESC

-짜리 -jja-ri +amount

-쯤 -jjeum +approx
-쯤에 -jjeum-e +approx+LOC

-어주었습니다 -eo-ju-eoss-seub-ni-da +favour+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-어주는 -eo-ju-neun +favour+DESC
-공주 -gong-ju +Princess
-공주는 -gong-ju-neun +Princess+TOPIC

-어준 -eo-jun +favour+DESC

-아줘서 -a-jweo-seo +favour+so implies asking sb to do st as a favour; < ju+eo
-어줘 -eo-jweo +favour implies asking sb to do st as a favour; < ju+eo

-아줬어요 -a-jweoss-eo-yo +favour+PAST+POL
-어줬어요 -eo-jweoss-eo-yo +favour+PAST+POL

-아져 -a-jyeo +become+INF passive
-아져서 -a-jyeo-seo +become+INF+so
-어져 -eo-jyeo +become+INF passive
-어져요 -eo-jyeo-yo +become+INF+POL passive

-아졌어요 -a-jyeoss-eo-yo +become+PAST+POL passive
-어졌어요 -eo-jyeoss-eo-yo +become+PAST+POL passive
-어졌습니다 -eo-jyeoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-졌고 -jyeoss-go +become+PAST+and

-이죠 -i-jyo +SUBJ+QUERY

-을게요 -eu-l-ge-yo +FUT+POL with preceding consonant; expresses the speaker's will or intention; used ONLY with first person (never second or third); connotation of "if it's OK with you"; sounds casual, so not used in formal settings; pronounced -eul-gge-yo
-일 -i-l +be+L
-ㄹ -l +L
-ㄹ걸 -l-geol +should
-ㄹ게요 -l-ge-yo +FUT+POL with preceding vowel; expresses the speaker's will or intention; used ONLY with first person (never second or third); connotation of "if it's OK with you"; sounds casual, so not used in formal settings; pronounced -l-gge-yo;
-ㄹ까 -l-gga +wonder with preceding vowel; implies a tentative enquiry: "I wonder if ...", "shall ..."
-ㄹ까요 -l-gga-yo +should with preceding vowel; implies "should" or "shall", or "I wonder ..." or "do you think ...". It is always a question.
-ㄹ지 -l-ji +L+NEG
-ㄹ래 -l-rae +want_to with preceding vowel; can only be used in the first person; implies "let's", "shall we", or telling your intentions ("I'm giong to"); gentle way to suggest something (the other person can veto or change your plans); p212
-ㄹ래요 -l-rae-yo +want_to+POL
-ㄹ러 -l-reo +L+PURPOSE
-실 -si-l +HON+L
-실까요 -si-l-gga-yo +HON+should
-실래요 -si-l-rae-yo +HON+want_to+POL

-ㅁ -m +NOUN with preceding vowel; indicates static, well-established states and/or abstract, timeless truths

-자마자 -ja-ma-ja +as_soon_as cannot be used with a negative verb; similar to -ja, but implies less time; Kingdon p273
-지마 -ji-ma +NEG+IMP
-마다 -ma-da +during refers to the preceding period of time, eg 저녁마다, jeo-nyeog-ma-da, during the evening, in the evening

-았지만 -ass-ji-man +PAST+but With a/o in the verb stem.
-아야만 -a-ya-man +INF+must more emphatic version of -a-ya; more common in formal speech or writing; p202
-뿐만 -bbun-man +not_only usually followed by a-ni-ra (but also)
-었지만 -eoss-ji-man +PAST+but
-였지만 -i-eoss-ji-man +be+PAST+but
-이지만 -i-ji-man +be+but
-지만 -ji-man +but preceded by a verb
-만 -man +only
-만에 -man-e +only+LOC
-만이 -man-i +many
-였지만 -yeoss-ji-man +be+PAST+but

-구먼 -gu-meon +indeed

-으며 -eu-myeo +while
-이며 -i-myeo +be+while
-이라며 -i-ra-myeo +be+CHECK implies uncertainty and a neeed to check or confirm
-며 -myeo +while

-왔으면 -ass-eu-myeon +PAST+if implies "it would be great if..."
-다면 -da-myeon +AFF+if
-들이면 -deul-i-myeon +PL+be+if
-었으면 -eoss-eu-myeon +PAST+if implies "it would be great if..."
-으면 -eu-myeon +if with preceding consonant
-으면서 -eu-myeon-seo +while
-으려면 -eu-ryeo-myeon +INTENT+if
-면 -myeon +if with preceding vowel
-면은 -myeon-eun +if+TOPIC
-면서 -myeon-seo +while
-면서도 -myeon-seo-do +while+also
-려면 -ryeo-myeon +INTENT+if with preceding vowel
-시면 -si-myeon +HON+if

-명으로 -myeong-eu-ro +people+INST

-된 -doe-n +be+DESC
-인가 -i-n-ga +be+SUPPOSE
-ㄴ -n +DESC
-ㄴ다 -n-da +INDIC+AFF
-ㄴ다고 -n-da-go +QUO
-ㄴ다네 -n-da-ne +CONFIRM
-ㄴ데 -n-de +SUGGEST
-ㄴ데요 -n-de-yo +SUGGEST+POL with preceding descriptive verb ending in a vowel. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-ㄴ가 -n-ga +some suppositional, giving a sense of indefiniteness
-ㄴ가가 -n-ga-ga +some+SUBJ
-ㄴ거 -n-geo +DESC+thing
-ㄴ건 -n-geon +DESC+thing+TOPIC
-ㄴ일이 -n-il-i +DESC+things+be
-ㄴ지 -n-ji +VAGUE implies vague doubt or judgment

-았나 -ass-na +PAST+INT with following bo, see, means "it seems that", p138
-에나 -e-na +at (time)
-어지나 -eo-ji-na +PAST+like_that
-었나 -eoss-na +PAST+INT with following bo, see, means "it seems that", p138
-거나 -geo-na +or implies that a choice can be made between two actions, or that there is no difference between outcomes
-구나 -gu-na +REALISE implies that something has just been realised or learned; I see that ...; often conveys surprise; p172
-이나 -i-na +or refers to nouns
-나 -na +or with a verb,and followed by bo, see, means "it seems that...", p138
-셨나요 -si-eoss-na-yo +HON+PAST+INT+POL

-내 -nae +manage_to

-아냈어요 -a-naess-eo-yo +manage_to+PAST+POL

-었겠네 -eoss-gess-ne +PAST+FUT+EXCL
-었네 -eoss-ne +PAST+SURPRISE
-겠네 -gess-ne +FUT+EXCL
-였네 -i-eoss-ne +be+PAST+SURPRISE
-이네요 -i-ne-yo +be+SURPRISE+POL
-ㄴ다네 -n-da-ne +CONFIRM
-네 -ne +SURPRISE indicates surprise or sudden realisation
-네요 -ne-yo +SURPRISE+POL indicates surprise or sudden realisation
-시네요 -si-ne-yo +HON+SURPRISE+POL
-야겠네요 -ya-gess-ne-yo +FUT+COMPEL+POL

-겠느냐 -gess-neu-nya +FUT+INDIC+

-았다가는 -ass-da-ga-neun +HYP hypothetical: if A were to happen, then B); p210
-았다는 -ass-da-neun +PAST+DESC
-았는데 -ass-neun-de +PAST+HESITATE
-았는지 -ass-neun-ji +PAST+approx
-다가는 -da-ga-neun +continue implies a negative consequence in the future, so cannot be used in a postive sentence or in in other tense than the future; p210
-다는 -da-neun +QUO+DESC < -다고 하는, -da-go ha-neun; implies "that sb is/has/does" or "sb who is/has/does"
-다는데 -da-neun-de +AFF+HESITATE
-에게는 -e-ge-neun +to+TOPIC
-에는 -e-neun +LOC+TOPIC
-어주는 -eo-ju-neun +favour+DESC
-었다가는 -eoss-da-ga-neun +HYP hypothetical: if A were to happen, then B); p210
-었는데 -eoss-neun-de +PAST+SUGGEST
-었는데요 -eoss-neun-de-yo +PAST+SUGGEST+POL With preceding active verb. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-었는지 -eoss-neun-ji +PAST+approx
-에서는 -e-seo-neun +LOC+TOPIC
-으로는 -eu-ro-neun +LOC+TOPIC
-겠다는 -gess-da-neun +FUT+QUO+AFF implies "that sb will be/have/do" or "sb who will be/have/do"
-까지는 -gga-ji-neun +until+TOPIC
-기에는 -gi-e-neun +NOUN+LOC+TOPIC
-기는 -gi-neun +NOUN+TOPIC
-공주는 -gong-ju-neun +Princess+TOPIC
-과는 -gwa-neun +and+TOPIC
-이라는 -i-ra-neun +be+QUO with preceding noun
-는 -neun +TOPIC with preceding vowel
-는다 -neun-da +INDIC+AFF
-는데요 -neun-de +HESITATE implies hesitation or waiting for the other person to comment.
-는데요 -neun-de-yo +HESITATE+POL with preceding action verb. Implies hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-는거야 -neun-geo-ya +DESC+thing+be
-는지 -neun-ji +QVAGUE
-는요 -neun-yo +TOPIC+POL
-라는 -ra-neun +QUO+TOPIC with preceding vowel
-로는 -ro-neun +INST+TOPIC
-려는 -ryeo-neun +INTENT+TOPIC
-시는겁니까 -si-neun-geob-ni-gga +HON+DESC+thing+INT+PRES
-씨는요 -ssi-neun-yo +Ms/r+TOPIC+POL
-여는 -yeo-neun +be+INF+TOPIC

-았으니까 -ass-eu-ni-gga +PAST+because
-았니 -ass-ni +PAST+INT
-았습니다 -ass-seub-ni-da +PAST+INDIC+AFF
-았습니까 -ass-seub-ni-gga +PAST+INDIC+INT
-ㅂ니다 -b-ni-da +INDIC+AFF with preceding vowel; used in formal settings
-더니 -deo-ni +RESULT
-드립니다 -deu-rib-ni-da +VERB+polite+INDIC+PRES
-어주었습니다 -eo-ju-eoss-seub-ni-da +favour+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-어졌습니다 -eo-jyeoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-었더니 -eoss-deo-ni +PAST+and_then Retrospective. Implies that the new fact is different from what was expected. Could imply an element of surprise about the fact.
-었으니 -eoss-eu-ni +PAST+because
-었습니다 -eoss-seub-ni-da +PAST+INDIC+AFF
-으니 -eu-ni +because because, since, as; refers to the reason for something; can also imply that you were doing something and then realised something (else)
-으니까 -eu-ni-gga +because with preceding consonant
-으십니다 -eu-sib-ni-da +HON+INDIC+AFF with preceding consonant
-겠니 -gess-ni +FUT+INT
-겠습니다 -gess-seub-ni-da +FUT+HON+INDIC+AFF
-입니다 -ib-ni-da +be+INDIC+AFF
-입니까 -ib-ni-gga +be+INDIC+INT
-였습니다 -i-eoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-이십니다 -i-sib-ni-da +be+HON+INDIC+AFF
-이십니까 -i-sib-ni-gga +be+HON+INDIC+INT
-이였습니다 -i-yeoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-졌습니다 -ji-eoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+INDIC+AFF
-니 -ni +because
-니 -ni +INT
-니까 -ni-gga +because with preceding vowel or ㄹ
-섰습니다 -seoss-seub-ni-da +PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-습니다 -seub-ni-da +INDIC+AFF with preceding consonant; used in formal settings
-습니까 -seub-ni-gga +INDIC+INT
-십니다 -sib-ni-da +HON+INDIC+AFF with preceding vowel
-십니까 -sib-ni-gga +be+HON+INT+PRES
-시는겁니까 -si-neun-geob-ni-gga +HON+DESC+thing+INT+PRES
-였습니다 -yeoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF

-님 -nim +Sir
-님을 -nim-eul +Sir+OBJ
-님은요 -nim-eun-yo +Sir+TOPIC+POL

-어놓 -eo-noh +COMPLETED used for an act which is completed, and the resulting state continues

-겠느냐 -gess-neu-nya +FUT+INDIC+
-겠냐고 -gess-nya-go +FUT+QQUO -nya-go implies referring to a question previously asked
-냐고 -nya-go +QQUO implies referring to a question previously asked, or using quoted material in question form

-년 -nyeon +year

-군요 -gu-nyo +REALISE+POL implies that something has just been realised or learned; I see that ...; often conveys surprise; p172

-십시오 -sib-si-o +HON+IMP+AFF

-어온 -eo-on +PAST+DESC

-아라 -a-ra +COMMAND/EXCL
-어가라 -eo-ga-ra +REP+IMP
-어라 -eo-ra +COMMAND/EXCL
-이라 -i-ra +be+because
-이라도 -i-ra-do +even with preceding consonant; implies emphasis; also means "at least" (a less than optimal choice), "any" (same as any other) or "for example"
-이라고 -i-ra-go +QUO with preceding consonant
-이라며 -i-ra-myeo +be+CHECK implies uncertainty and a neeed to check or confirm
-이라는 -i-ra-neun +be+QUO with preceding noun
-이라를 -i-ra-reul +be+AFF+OBJ this combination only occurs in phrases where a title which contains the verb ending is being referred to as an object, eg ‘이번 생은 처음이라’를
-이라서 -i-ra-seo +be+because
-라 -ra +because < 라고, -ra-seo
-라도 -ra-do +even with preceding vowel; implies emphasis; also means "at least" (a less than optimal choice), "any" (same as any other) or "for example"
-라고 -ra-go +QUO with preceding vowel; in quoted commands, the benefactive 주, ju (do for, let, allow - act for the benefit of sb else) is usually replaced by 달, dal, unless the person benefitting from the action is different from the person making the command
-라는 -ra-neun +QUO+TOPIC with preceding vowel
-라고 -ra-seo +because
-시더라도 -si-deo-ra-do +HON+even_if

-ㄹ래 -l-rae +want_to with preceding vowel; can only be used in the first person; implies "let's", "shall we", or telling your intentions ("I'm giong to"); gentle way to suggest something (the other person can veto or change your plans); p212
-ㄹ래요 -l-rae-yo +want_to+POL
-실래요 -si-l-rae-yo +HON+want_to+POL

-랑 -rang +with

-으러 -eu-reo +in_order_to
-ㄹ러 -l-reo +L+PURPOSE
-러 -reo +PURPOSE

-처럼 -ceo-reom +like

-기를 -gi-reul +NOUN+OBJ
-이라를 -i-ra-reul +be+AFF+OBJ this combination only occurs in phrases where a title which contains the verb ending is being referred to as an object, eg ‘이번 생은 처음이라’를
-를 -reul +OBJ with preceding vowel

-대리 -dae-ri +assistant_manager
-어버리 -eo-beo-ri +completely signifies completion of an action, and also that the speaker is reiieved or sorry about the action
-짜리 -jja-ri +amount
-여드리겠어 -yeo-deu-ri-gess-eo +CAUS+FAVOUR+FUT

-드립니다 -deu-rib-ni-da +VERB+polite+INDIC+PRES

-어버린 -eo-beo-rin +completely+DESC

-으로 -eu-ro +INST With preceding consonant. Indicates a means or tool (instrumental), general direction (contrast -e, which refers to a specific location or direction), a selection from several options (eg in what size...?), the end point of a change of state (became ...), a reason (due to, because of).
-으로부터 -eu-ro-bu-teo +LOC+from
-으로는 -eu-ro-neun +LOC+TOPIC
-으로서도 -eu-ro-seo-do +as+also
-기로 -gi-ro +decide
-명으로 -myeong-eu-ro +people+INST
-로 -ro +INST With preceding vowel or ㄹ. Indicates a means or tool (instrumental), general direction (contrast -e, which refers to a specific location or direction), a selection from several options (eg in what size...?), the end point of a change of state (became ...), a reason (due to, because of).
-로도 -ro-do +INST+also
-로는 -ro-neun +INST+TOPIC
-로서 -ro-seo +regarding

-도록 -do-rog +so_that for V-ing, to V

--으려고 -eu-ryeo-go +INTENT with preceding consonant
-으려면 -eu-ryeo-myeon +INTENT+if
-려 -ryeo +INTENT
-려고 -ryeo-go +INTENT with preceding vowel
-려면 -ryeo-myeon +INTENT+if with preceding vowel
-려는 -ryeo-neun +INTENT+TOPIC

-렴아 -ryeom-a +IMP implies a gentle order from a superior

-률 -ryul +rate
-률과 -ryul-gwa +rate+and

-어세요 -eo-se-yo +HON+POL
-으세요 -eu-se-yo +HON+POL with preceding consonant
-이세요 -i-se-yo +be+HON+PRES+POL
-세요 -se-yo +HON+POL with preceding vowel

-아줘서 -a-jweo-seo +favour+so implies asking sb to do st as a favour; < ju+eo
-아져서 -a-jyeo-seo +become+INF+so
-아서 -a-seo +INF+so
-비서가 -bi-seo-ga +Secretary+SUBJ
-비서관 -bi-seo-gwan +Secretary
-어서 -eo-seo +INF+so
-어서 -eo-wa-seo +so
-에서 -e-seo +LOC with o and ga (and other motion verbs), marks source or origin, "from"; with action verbs, marks the location of the activity (as opposed to -e, which marks location in general)
-에서부터 -e-seo-bu-teo +LOC+from
-에서도 -e-seo-do +LOC+also
-에서가 -e-seo-ga +LOC+SUBJ
-에서는 -e-seo-neun +LOC+TOPIC
-에서의 -e-seo-ui +LOC+POSS
-으면서 -eu-myeon-seo +while
-으로서도 -eu-ro-seo-do +as+also
-이라서 -i-ra-seo +be+because
-면서 -myeon-seo +while
-면서도 -myeon-seo-do +while+also
-라고 -ra-seo +because
-로서 -ro-seo +regarding
-서 -seo +so

-선을 -seon-eul +line+TOPIC

-성 -seong +type

-섰습니다 -seoss-seub-ni-da +PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF

-았습니다 -ass-seub-ni-da +PAST+INDIC+AFF
-았습니까 -ass-seub-ni-gga +PAST+INDIC+INT
-어주었습니다 -eo-ju-eoss-seub-ni-da +favour+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-어졌습니다 -eo-jyeoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-었습니다 -eoss-seub-ni-da +PAST+INDIC+AFF
-겠습니다 -gess-seub-ni-da +FUT+HON+INDIC+AFF
-였습니다 -i-eoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-이였습니다 -i-yeoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-졌습니다 -ji-eoss-seub-ni-da +become+PAST+INDIC+AFF
-섰습니다 -seoss-seub-ni-da +PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-습니다 -seub-ni-da +INDIC+AFF with preceding consonant; used in formal settings
-습니까 -seub-ni-gga +INDIC+INT
-였습니다 -yeoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF

-으시겠어요 -eu-si-gess-eo-yo +HON+FUT+POL
-십시오 -sib-si-o +HON+IMP+AFF
-시더라도 -si-deo-ra-do +HON+even_if
-시에 -si-e +o'clock+at
-셨어요 -si-eoss-eo-yo +HON+PAST+POL
-셨나요 -si-eoss-na-yo +HON+PAST+INT+POL
-시겠어요 -si-gess-eo-yo +HON+FUT+POL
-시기 -si-gi +HON+NOUN followed by ddae-mun-e to mean "because of"; this takes a preceding noun, so a nominaliser has to be used if the preceding item is a verb
-시지 -si-ji +HON+SUGGEST
-실 -si-l +HON+L
-실까요 -si-l-gga-yo +HON+should
-실래요 -si-l-rae-yo +HON+want_to+POL
-시면 -si-myeon +HON+if
-시는겁니까 -si-neun-geob-ni-gga +HON+DESC+thing+INT+PRES
-시네요 -si-ne-yo +HON+SURPRISE+POL

-으십니다 -eu-sib-ni-da +HON+INDIC+AFF with preceding consonant
-이십니다 -i-sib-ni-da +be+HON+INDIC+AFF
-이십니까 -i-sib-ni-gga +be+HON+INDIC+INT
-십 -sib +ten
-십니다 -sib-ni-da +HON+INDIC+AFF with preceding vowel
-십니까 -sib-ni-gga +be+HON+INT+PRES
-십시오 -sib-si-o +HON+IMP+AFF

-속에 -sog-e +in
-속을 -sog-eul +in+OBJ

-씨 -ssi Ms, Mrs, Mr not as formal or polite as the English Ms/Mrs/Mr; used to address an adult who is about the same age as or younger than yourself; should NOT be used to refer to yourself, or to address bosses or adults who are older than you
-씨도 -ssi-do +Ms/r+also
-씨가 -ssi-ga +Ms/r+SUBJ
-씨는요 -ssi-neun-yo +Ms/r+TOPIC+POL

-씩 -ssig +number

-셔야 -syeo-ya +HON+must

-셨어요 -syeoss-eo-yo +HON+PAST+POL

-한테 -han-te +to
-한테도 -han-te-do +to+also

-부터 -bu-teo +from has the same "from" meaning as 에서, but sounds more formal
-에서부터 -e-seo-bu-teo +LOC+from
-으로부터 -eu-ro-bu-teo +LOC+from

-들의 -deul-ui +PL+POSS
-에서의 -e-seo-ui +LOC+POSS
-과의 -gwa-ui +with+POSS
-인의 -in-ui +person+POSS
-의 -ui +POSS

-어와 -eo-wa +INF+and
-어서 -eo-wa-seo +so
-wa +and connects nouns; literary

-아야 -a-ya +INF+must need to, have to; p202
-어야겠어요 -a-ya-gess-eo-yo +should+POL
-어야지 -a-ya-ji +INF+must more emphatic version of -a-ya; more common in informal speech; p202
-어야지요 -a-ya-ji-yo +INF+must+POL
-아야만 -a-ya-man +INF+must more emphatic version of -a-ya; more common in formal speech or writing; p202
-뿐이야 -bbun-i-ya +only+be+INT
-어야 -eo-ya +INF+must need to, have to; p202
-어야겠다 -eo-ya-gess-da +must implies "should" or "need to"; with 1P, denotes a strong compulsion to do st; with 2/3P, denotes a strong recommendation
-어야겠어요 -eo-ya-gess-eo-yo +should+POL
-어야할 -eo-ya-hal +INF+must+L
-ㄹ거야 -eul-geo-ya +FUT+INT
-이야 -i-ya +be+INT
-는거야 -neun-geo-ya +DESC+thing+be
-셔야 -syeo-ya +HON+must
-야 -ya +AFF in geo-ya < geos-i-ya
-야겠네요 -ya-gess-ne-yo +FUT+COMPEL+POL
-야할 -ya-hal +INF+needs_to+L
-야지 -ya-ji +should
-야지요 -ya-ji-yo +should+POL

-을거예요 -eul-geo-ye-yo +FUT+POL
-이예요 -i-ye-yo +be+PRES+POL
-예요 -ye-yo +be+POL

-여 -yeo +INF
-여 -yeo over, exceeding
-여다 -yeo-da +and_then < -여다가; with preceding verb which is a -하 form; implies that the first action is the basis for the subsequent action
-여드리겠어 -yeo-deu-ri-gess-eo +CAUS+FAVOUR+FUT
-여는 -yeo-neun +be+INF+TOPIC

-이였습니다 -i-yeoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF
-였고 -yeoss-go +be+PAST+and
-였지만 -yeoss-ji-man +be+PAST+but
-였습니다 -yeoss-seub-ni-da +be+PAST+HON+INDIC+AFF

-아줬어요 -a-jweoss-eo-yo +favour+PAST+POL
-아졌어요 -a-jyeoss-eo-yo +become+PAST+POL passive
-아냈어요 -a-naess-eo-yo +manage_to+PAST+POL
-았어요 -ass-eo-yo +PAST+POL
-어야겠어요 -a-ya-gess-eo-yo +should+POL
-어야지요 -a-ya-ji-yo +INF+must+POL
-아요 -a-yo +POL
-어줬어요 -eo-jweoss-eo-yo +favour+PAST+POL
-어졌어요 -eo-jyeoss-eo-yo +become+PAST+POL passive
-어져요 -eo-jyeo-yo +become+INF+POL passive
-어세요 -eo-se-yo +HON+POL
-었어요 -eoss-eo-yo +PAST+POL
-었거든요 -eoss-geo-deun-yo +PAST+because+POL
-었는데요 -eoss-neun-de-yo +PAST+SUGGEST+POL With preceding active verb. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-어야겠어요 -eo-ya-gess-eo-yo +should+POL
-어요 -eo-yo +POL
-을거예요 -eul-geo-ye-yo +FUT+POL
-을게요 -eu-l-ge-yo +FUT+POL with preceding consonant; expresses the speaker's will or intention; used ONLY with first person (never second or third); connotation of "if it's OK with you"; sounds casual, so not used in formal settings; pronounced -eul-gge-yo
-을까요 -eul-gga-yo +should with preceding consonant; implies "should" or "shall", or "I wonder ..." or "do you think ...". It is always a question.
-은데요 -eun-de-yo +SUGGEST+POL with preceding descriptive verb ending in a consonant. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-으세요 -eu-se-yo +HON+POL with preceding consonant
-으시겠어요 -eu-si-gess-eo-yo +HON+FUT+POL
-에요 -e-yo +LOC+be
-거든요 -geo-deun-yo +because+POL with preceding verb; implies a reason, cause, or explanation: in fact, actually, you see, it's because
-겠어요 -gess-eo-yo +FUT+POL
-해요 -hae-yo +do+POL
-이었어요 -i-eoss-eo-yo +be+PAST+POL
-이에요 -i-e-yo +be+PRES+POL
-이거든요 -i-geo-deun-yo +be+because+POL with preceding noun; implies a reason, cause, or explanation: in fact, actually, you see, it's because
-일이요 -il-i-yo +day+be+POL
-인데요 -in-de-yo +be+SUGGEST+POL
-이네요 -i-ne-yo +be+SURPRISE+POL
-이세요 -i-se-yo +be+HON+PRES+POL
-이예요 -i-ye-yo +be+PRES+POL
-자고요 -ja-go-yo +CONFIRM
-잖아요 -janh-a-yo +CHECK+POL you know? don't you see?
-ㄹ게요 -l-ge-yo +FUT+POL with preceding vowel; expresses the speaker's will or intention; used ONLY with first person (never second or third); connotation of "if it's OK with you"; sounds casual, so not used in formal settings; pronounced -l-gge-yo;
-ㄹ까요 -l-gga-yo +should with preceding vowel; implies "should" or "shall", or "I wonder ..." or "do you think ...". It is always a question.
-ㄹ래요 -l-rae-yo +want_to+POL
-ㄴ데요 -n-de-yo +SUGGEST+POL with preceding descriptive verb ending in a vowel. Implies suggestion, hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-는데요 -neun-de-yo +HESITATE+POL with preceding action verb. Implies hesitation, hedging, uncertainty, allowing the listerner to consider and respond. Mostly used in conversation, where -eoyo (which is used for factual information) would be too curt.
-는요 -neun-yo +TOPIC+POL
-네요 -ne-yo +SURPRISE+POL indicates surprise or sudden realisation
-님은요 -nim-eun-yo +Sir+TOPIC+POL
-세요 -se-yo +HON+POL with preceding vowel
-셨어요 -si-eoss-eo-yo +HON+PAST+POL
-셨나요 -si-eoss-na-yo +HON+PAST+INT+POL
-시겠어요 -si-gess-eo-yo +HON+FUT+POL
-실까요 -si-l-gga-yo +HON+should
-실래요 -si-l-rae-yo +HON+want_to+POL
-시네요 -si-ne-yo +HON+SURPRISE+POL
-씨는요 -ssi-neun-yo +Ms/r+TOPIC+POL
-셨어요 -syeoss-eo-yo +HON+PAST+POL
-야겠네요 -ya-gess-ne-yo +FUT+COMPEL+POL
-야지요 -ya-ji-yo +should+POL
-예요 -ye-yo +be+POL
-요 -yo +POL