Me, Myself, Why?

Free software and languages, not necessarily in that order…

Words, words, words ...

K Donnelly (2021). "Digitising Swahili in Arabic script with Andika!" In: Y. Haralambous (Ed.), Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century: Grapholinguistics and Its Applications, pp. 963-984. Fluxus Editions.

M. Broersma, D Carter and K Donnelly (2020). "Triggered codeswitching: Lexical processing and conversational dynamics."Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 23(2).295-308.

D Carter, M Broersma, K Donnelly and A Konopka (2018). "Presenting the Bangor Autoglosser and the Bangor Automated Clause-Splitter." Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. 33(1), 21-28.

M Deuchar, P Webb-Davies and K Donnelly (2018). Building and Using the Siarad Corpus: Bilingual conversations in Welsh and English. Studies in Corpus Linguistics 81. John Benjamins.

K Donnelly (2018). Autoglosser2: a glosser/tagger for Welsh.

S Neale, K Donnelly, G Watkins and D Knight (2018). "Leveraging lexical resources and constraint grammar for rule-based part-of-speech tagging in Welsh". In: N Calzolari, K Choukri, C Cieri et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), pp. 3947-3954. ELRA.

J Blokzijl, M Deuchar, K Donnelly and MC Parafita Couto (2017). "How can determiner asymmetry in mixed nominal constructions inform linguistic theory?" Presented at the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Zurich, 10-13 September 2017.

K Donnelly (2017). Writing and transliterating Swahili in Arabic script with Andika!

D Knight, T Fitzpatrick, S Morris, ... , K Donnelly, M McCarthy and K Scannell (2017). "Creating CorCenCC (Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes - The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh)." In: P Bański, M Kupietz, H Lüngen et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora and Big Data and Natural Language Processing, pp. 13-14. Institut für Deutsche Sprache.

M Deuchar, K Donnelly, and C Piercy (2016). "Mae pobl monolingual yn minority: Factors favouring the production of code-switching by Welsh-English speakers". In: M. Durham and J. Morris (Eds.), Sociolinguistics in Wales, pp. 209–239. Palgrave Macmillan.

D Carter, M Broersma, and K Donnelly (2016). "Applying computing innovations to bilingual corpus analysis". In: A. Alba de la Fuente, E. Valenzuela, and C. Martínez-Sanz (Eds.), Language Acquisition Beyond Parameters: Studies in Honour of Juana M. Liceras, Studies in Bilingualism 51, pp. 281–301. John Benjamins.

K Donnelly and YA Omar (2015). Utenzi wa Jaʿfar/Utendi wa Jaʿfari.

K Donnelly (2015). "Andika!". Invited talk at The Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, University of Hamburg, 16 April 2105.

D Carter, M Broersma, K Donnelly and A Konopka (2014). "Corpus evidence of the triggering effect of cognates on codeswitching from Welsh-English bilinguals". Presented at the conference Language Contact: The State of the Art, Helsinki, 28-30 August 2014.

K Donnelly (2013). "Representing linguistic pitch in (Xe)LaTeX". TUGboat: The Communications of the TeX Users Group, 34:2, pp.223-227.

D Carter, K Donnelly and M Broersma (2013). "Automating the analysis of large bilingual corpora". Presented at the AACL Conference 2013, San Diego, 18-20 January 2013.

K Donnelly (2011). "Mining corpora using the Bangor Autoglosser". Presented at ESRC Centre research forum, Bangor, 2 December 2011.

K Donnelly, S Cooper and M Deuchar (2011). "Glossing CHAT files using the Bangor Autoglosser". Presented at ISB8, Oslo, 15-18 June 2011.

K Donnelly and M Deuchar (2011). "The Bangor Autoglosser: a Multilingual Tagger for Conversational Text". In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA11) (ed. Stuart Cunningham, Vic Grout, Nigel Houlden, Denise Oram, Rich Picking), Centre for Applied Internet Research, Glyndŵr University, Wrexham.

K Donnelly and M Deuchar (2011). "Using constraint grammar in the Bangor Autoglosser to disambiguate multilingual spoken text". In: Constraint Grammar Applications: Proceedings of the NODALIDA 2011 Workshop, Riga, Latvia. NEALT Proceedings Series, Tartu.

K Donnelly (2010). Swahili verb segmenter.

K Donnelly (2010). Getting started with Constraint Grammar.

FM Tyers and K Donnelly (2009). "apertium-cy -- a collaboratively-developed free RBMT system for Welsh to English", Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 91:57-66.

K Donnelly and P Thane (2008). "Getting creative with Linux". Presented at Northern Bloc seminar All together now, Bangor, 23 October 2008.

K Donnelly (2006). "Retiring the gatekeeper". Presented at the Northern Bloc seminar Open source in practice, Bangor, 13 December 2006.

K Donnelly (2006). "Once Upon A Time ... Writing fiction with Writer’s Cafe and StoryLines". Linux Magazine, 70:82-86.

K Donnelly (2005). "Bloodlines: Managing your family tree with GRAMPS". Linux Magazine, 59:80-83.

K Donnelly (2005). "Music Box: Music on the LAN with SlimServer". Linux Magazine, 56:54-60.

K Donnelly (2005). "Language Session: Learning Vocabulary with KVocTrain". Linux Magazine, 53:76-79.

K Donnelly (2003). "Cymraeg yn yr Oes Dechnoleg". Guest lecture at the annual conference of Y Gymdeithas Feddygol (Welsh Medical Society).

K Donnelly (1987). "Make the most of Pocket WordStar". Computing with the Amstrad, 3:3.

YA Omar and K Donnelly (1987). "Farmer and forest: Bajuni agricultural songs". Ba Shiru, 13:1.

K Donnelly (1982). A Comparative Study of Tone and Intonation in Seven Kongo Dialects. Doctoral thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

K Donnelly and YA Omar (1982). "Structure and association in Bajuni fishing songs". In: Genres, Forms, Meanings: Essays in African Oral Literature, (ed. Veronika Görög-Karady), JASO Occasional Papers 1, Oxford.

K Donnelly (1981). "The poet and poetic language in the Celtic and Southern Bantu praising traditions". In: Memory and Poetic Structure (ed. Peter Ryan), Middlesex Polytechnic.

K Donnelly (1981). "Shona verbal tones", Studies in African Linguistics, 12:3.

K Donnelly (1981). "A preliminary listing of tapes in the SOAS Whiteley Collection". Xerox, SOAS.

K Donnelly (1980). "A glossary for Jan Knappert's Traditional Swahili Poetry". Mimeograph, SOAS.

K Donnelly (1980). "Karl Laman's The Musical Accent or Intonation in the Kongo Language -- a re-view". Presented at the Conference on African Linguistics, Boston, 10-12 April 1980.