Me, Myself, Why?

Free software and languages, not necessarily in that order …


Fings wot I have wrote

Stuff I've had a hand in writing or publishing in one form or another.

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Eurfa v3

Free (GPL) Welsh dictionary

The largest Welsh dictionary under a free license, and includes verbal inflections and mutated forms.

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Write Swahili in Arabic script

Tools to make Swahili in Arabic script as easy to use as Swahili in Roman script, with provision for traditional manuscript poetry.

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Free (GPL) Korean dictionary

16,0000 words searchable in hangeul, English, or romanisation.

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Dramâu Cymru

Corpus of Welsh plays

Showcases plays from Wales, no matter their period or language.

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Bilingual conversational corpora

Welsh-English, Welsh-Spanish and Spanish-English corpora for linguistic research on code-switching.

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Autoglosser v2

Tagger for Welsh

New, faster version of the Bangor Autoglosser, aimed at written Welsh text rather than conversational multilingual text.

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Autoglosser v1

Tagger for Welsh, Spanish and English

Collection of tools used to POStag the BangorTalk corpora.

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Swahili Wikipedia corpus

A 2.8m-word corpus drawn from the Swahili Wikipedia as of December 2015.

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Swahili verb segmenter

Allows Swahili verbforms to be segmented for use in parsers or taggers.

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Utenzi wa Jaafari

Traditional Swahili ballad

Annotated edition of this previously unpublished ballad, using Andika! to produce the Arabic-script text

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Pitch contours in LaTeX

Gives a visual indication of pitch patterns.

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Welsh-English translator

Experimental translator aiming to give at least the gist of a Welsh text in English.

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Welsh rhyming dictionary

Uses Eurfa to produce lists of rhyming words in order of length, with shorter words at the top of the list.

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